Thursday, December 30, 2010

Green Black Poo Iron Tablets

A memorable year 2010 !

year was really flying, and being new to the "domain" is not may not help casting a glance back and see everything that happened, everything that was done during the year 2010. Little recap ':
  • February, the genesis
I think the term "genesis" is perfect. February, so it's genesis in my case in aviation. Registration club, then the first flight canceled and finally, the issue, the first flight ...

  • Mars, the machine is running ...
March is marked by the euphoria of the early hours flight, with a rather bad weather, and thus, inevitably, the virtual is everywhere with the Tour de France VFR IVAO and step crossing the Mediterranean .

  • April, the beautiful mess
April is the month of the eruption of Eyjafjallajokul , which only know the Icelanders pronounce. It is also the month of obtaining the medical certificate class 2, which I expected and very nearly get away ...

  • June, it's party time!
is the sweetest month of the year: nav first real encounter with the F-QD (Alix hello!) Pontoise on ... It is also the month of arrival J3 the club Alcyone! A beautiful beast, nay, a very beautiful animal, I dream of one day up!

  • July, the intense
Undoubtedly, so far, the best month of my life (it's not even hyperbole! = O) with the first low height followed the unforgettable first release solo, the best time in the career of a driver like me, it would seem ...

  • August the discovery
A very aero August (you can enjoy vacations and long days) during which the enchaine laps solos, the first nav truly made instruction, and the end of the Tour de France VFR IVAO. Add to this the discovery of PA28, and a small tour of Paris well nice! (Thank you Jean-Pierre)

  • September, the month of the members
September, versus August, one month will aeronautically very poor with just an air show at Pontoise, with meetings members of IVAO, and a nav to Dreux (no stories or pictures). Back in the S 1 is not easy, and priorities have changed, and the blog does a single article of September: A survey of members .

  • October and the arrival of Winter
October is also very poor: the blog has only one story the last laps solo before winter . The arrival of winter is the arrival of bad weather, and therefore flight cancellations ...

  • November, or higher level.
November is characterized by a flight by a weather does not put a driver out ! Faced with this weather, we stay home, and it refines settings his calculator, the opportunity is too good, even if the article needs a little revision, and it is not yet completed date (you will be notified in due course). November was also marked by the world of simulation, very rich in meetings IVAO-his: a golden opportunity to put a face to each name.

  • December, the month death
December is the month of snow. A complete mess with airports such as Orly, Roissy and Heathrow closed, all in a polar climate ... It is also the month where I feel the lack of good flights, and for me, a nav to Chartres lying around, and even that is lost. December is the month of "0 flight (except frames), the month where everything remains the same ... as frozen ;-)

I only wish you to you all, readers of this blog, a wonderful year 2011, as full and rich as what was this wonderful vintage 2010 .. . Of course, it happened a lot more during the year 2010, but The year 2011 promises to be even better, with probably the first solo navs, the basic patent, PPL. So many events that will be experienced, and narrated through this blog.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2011!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Will Ovarian Cysts Make My Breasts Sore

The Best addons for FS2004

"How to have a beautiful and powerful FS2004?"

This is the holy question that comes up when we confronted with FS9 FSX. FSX is fine, okay, but the equipment needed to make this jewel "playable" is, for most of us, out of reach next budget or investments. FS9, remains As most of the documentation of performance, but FS9 did not say his last word! His greatest strength: his entire flock of additions available through the net, which I offer an overview of those I selected. Snapshots different:

=> For those wishing to make these additions to their MSDS, know that the order in which they were written is the order in which I recommend to install them, preferably on a FS virgin . This list is valid only for FS9 ... for those who are still on FSX, it's never too late to reconsider that choice! ;-D

Your FS may distinguish very roughly into three main parts
- The sky (including clouds)
- The soil (including the sea, lakes and rivers)
- The airport environment

Each part will match one or more additions
- The sky> HDE v2 / v2 Sunmod
- Soil> Set Texture alternative Lennhart ('s FS2004 Replacement Textures Lennhart) / FS NEW
2.0 - Water> REPro
- The airport environment> REPro (+ another tutorial ) / AEU7 & AEU8
- Various Effects> Bloom (ENBSeries) / Massive Thunderstorm (+ Patch) / Real Touchdown effect


From my meager experience, I recommend you uninstall / reinstall your FS (do a defragmentation pass). The result is not guaranteed on an FS as amended, and try not advisable since you could be totally and completely beuguer FS9 anyway be forced to go through the box "resettlement". Some steps require advanced manipulations. Feel free to ask for help if you can not do, because of course, the risk 0 does not exist, and I do not want to be responsible for a large hammer on a computer unbootable more. If you do not know, do not do it! Ask for help!

0.a) the patch 9.1 on your FS9 virgin. This operation can only be done on a blank FS9. This patch contains small patches too boring to quote or explain but necessary.

0.b) In case you want to redo your FS: Make a copy of your entire FS9 (this is called "make a back up) on a CD or a hard disk different from the one you FS have installed (to avoid confusion during installation). This step is vital, almost, because in case of bad manipulation ' This folder contains a copy of your original FS and you will not have to reinstall everything. At each facility: sure to read the text file readme / readme included : because he has good instructions for installing the addon.

0.c) Download all addons generally available either from AVSIM, or from Flightsim (Free registration required). Otherwise, the link for the download is provided.

1) "Lennhart's FS2004 Replacement Textures" from the site FSNordic . This pack consists of 6 parts. I insist: read the readme for this addon! This pack will replace the ground textures in your FS day by other, more detailed and worked.

2) "FS Night Environment Upgrade or FSNight2/NEU2 (Avsim and Flightsim). This pack replaces your ground textures night of your FS. There are two versions, 1 and 2, each containing a different set of lights. Personally, I recommend 2, which gives a much more realistic your night flights. Again, read the readme .

3) "High Definition Environment v2" or HDEv2 (AVSIM). This pack contains a set of texture to the sky and clouds, and texture for reflections (envmap) * on aircraft, and a soil texture on the details. Clouds and sky are made photorealistic textures produced by Pablo Diaz you can choose the resolution based on your hardware configuration. Read the readme included.

4) "Sun mod v2" or sunmodv2 (AVSIM) is a small pack a few textures improving the appearance of the sun in SF.

5) We arrive at the most visible: the airport environment. The facility consists of two steps.

5.a) "Airport Environment Upgrade 7 & 8" or AEU7 & 8 (Flightsim). A pack of replacement textures, some aspects of your airport default FS whose buildings and soil textures and slopes (low quality) and a file halo.bmp, we will not use. Here we are interested, these are the textures night / day of airport buildings default FS9. Read the readme

5.b ') "Real Environment Pro (AVSIM). This little app is the precursor free version of REX 2.0 and contains a set of texture to the whole environment of your FS, both to the airport, the ground, sky and water. A selection screen allows you to refine the textures to install, and a button "Backup" (which I highly recommend to use before installation) for textures already present, and therefore remains the easiest way not to crash. Among all the small bazaar, we retain:
- The Beacons track
- The landing lights for aircraft
- Textures for runway and taxiway
- Textures water AquaPro
- Option TreeGen and Option 3D environment bitmap.
Do not check the rest and click "Install" to start copying the new textures. Small clarification on the selection of runway textures: as expected the weather (for simmers who were still preparing their flights;-P), choose the right set: snow, rain or dry. The difference is not very visible and if you do not know what to take, keep as a default, the set of textures 'dry'

5.b.'') [optional] I suggest you apply to this small handling fs9.cfg through e c tutorial posted on my blog and had brought a little more to a lot of those who have tried it. Attention manipulation fs9.cfg is risky. Please make a copy of fs9.cfg , it may still be useful.

6) the ENBSeries. Ini or "Bloom Effect": It is included with HDEv2, so you'll see by downloading HDEv2-3) -. More information here ; We have a file that adds a light effect in FS9. Originally produced for ATM and incorporating more subtle functions, it has been adapted for FS and one is used as the "bloom". However, the results are very widely in different configurations each, but still provide a big boon if properly configured. In addition, misconfiguration can impact on your framerate extremely violent (images / sec). To help you find, there a document in English that will provide information necessary for the proper setting of this small file. To completely disable this effect, turn right file in the root directory of your FS9

7) The update, first time drivers for your graphics card (ATI or NVidia) can solve some problems on its own display. Then, know that the correct configuration of the graphics card and can improve the image and framerate. I can not tell you how to configure your graphics card, because again, the impact is very different depending on each equipment. For owners of ATI cards compatible with the ATI Catalyst Control Center, it is however an option to boost the framerate a bit: the "Catalyst AI" algorithms using which I can neither explain the establishment or operation, it can improve your framerate more or less radical (at home, doubling the framerate ! ). It's worth a try. Uncheck the "Disable Catalyst AI" and put the cursor on Standard in Subpart "3D". That should keep; P-Note no backup possible on this option! If you feel uncomfortable, do not touch anything!

* For best results, I recommend you disable the "reflection" in the "Device" FS9 graphics options.

Well now, with all that, your FS is expected to have much more speed and reach FSX, all for free. There course almost as many combinations of addons that configuration, but with the amount of addons available on the Internet, I encourage you to do your own tests, because in the end, copy the FS someone is not very funny and even less when it does not work. Anyway, for me, here is a very general way how I achieved a more than satisfactory with my FS ... FSX has better watch out! FS9 and still has very bright future!

Remember to make your flight more realistic scenes of the thousands available through the web. Add to all this a few landmesh (there on this site to left for France) and some of landclass ( those of Arnaud Clere for France!) and of course the regular updating RadioAids Hervé Sors on the site of IVAO France . To complete this exhibit, burn in your mind that Flight Simulator is a bit like a woman: beautiful and graceful, provided that we know what the dress;-D


Give me time to do some good screenshots in all situations to show that FS9's still alive! The article will be edited to add a few catches screen. Remember to refer to "Raw Images" and "Images retouched" the blog to see more old pictures;-P

Always seek perfection, because of new addons coming in regularly on the web, more than FSX FS2004 okay, but enough anyway, besides the technical change, and despite all that said, it remains the FSX simulator preferred future ... or not (X-10 Plane looks very promising, and even more realistic!)

PS: For those who are still hesitant about FSX and you know what you have to do until ! = P

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Women With Girdles Under Dresses

"euuuh F-VP, there's an instructor on board?" (Episode 11) The last

Sunday is definitely my favorite day! To my habit, I take the 8:30 time slot, which has its advantages and pitfalls of this: for example, one benefit is to arrive at St-Cyr and watch a beautiful sunrise ... behind the clouds ... ; Or steal almost alone in the lap ... remained empty for a reason ... But the pitfalls of this are more obvious: for example, 1:30 to transport because the frequency of trains on Sunday morning is reduced ... get up at 5:30 and put the veil around 6:45 hope to arrive at HQ at about 8:15 ... But ultimately, it comes to take the lead on something absolutely useless.

You will understand then, after 1h30 of transport, I arrived at HQ at about 8:15 when my first instinct is to watch the weather. Actually, "watching" as the term is fairly low, I look rather the slightest change in weather is quite low as a term, I look rather the slightest change in weather. Anyway, hope for a miracle is not always the best way to fly.

This morning, we announced METAR Toussus a pretty SCT013 OVC024 followed by a . To top it off, he is dressed a TEMPO 4000 -RADZ (temporarily reducing the passage of drizzle visitors to 4km). And finally, the icing on the cake, the whole is topped by a wind from the south to 15 knots, gusting to 28 as marked in the METAR: 18015G28KT . The TEMSI is no better: it shows us a nice cold front, with moderate to severe turbulence at ground level 50. There will be no miracles this morning so. The verdict is clear: It was decided not to leave today.

After learning that not only gave METAR elevations, but the height of cloud base, the only element that really scared now because it is this phenomenon of TEMPO-RADZ. Alexander tells me we will have time to see happen ... if I tried not fly nose in the instruments (ah bad habits Flight Sim!). In the end, will know by what miracle, I find myself preparing the aircraft to do laps with this weather, in full contradiction with the initial decision. And it will still be a very productive flight instruction!

Bad surprise by consulting the logbook of the aircraft must refuel (the aircraft had flown about 3h20). I do not have good memories of my last full . When filling is done, I tested the "click" more than ten times, and I ask to check the meter, which showed 59L ... a little weak, but more correct than the last time. The instructor, acquired by trust, also tests the click a few times.

ATIS will complete the following:
" The Touch and Go and laps led back to the breakpoint are suspended "

" - Tour Saint-Cyr, Victor-Foxtrot Papa hello.
- Foxtrot-Victor Papa, Saint-Cyr hello.
- Foxtrot-Victor Papa, a DR42 pumps, Alpha information, for laps.
- euuuuh Foxtrot ... -Victor Papa, you have an instructor edge?
- Affirms. [...]"

What follows is a negotiation for the runway to take a very small place, because we are the only traffic in the area. The kindness of the tower is remarkable, as in those towers solo track, where I almost forgot to go so I did! After the engine tests, we find ourselves at the breakpoint. The departure briefing is somewhat changed.
"We'll take off Runway 29 Left at Saint-Cyr, wet grass airstrip not limiting. The wind is full left over. Speeds: 100 km / h rotation, 120 initial climb, climb the normal 145-150. In case of failure before rotation is reduced while you brake sparingly; minor failure after rotation, we adapted lap back and landed at 29; major breakdown after rotation one hand makes it arises in a field. Got questions? "

" - Foxtrot-Victor Papa, breakpoint 29L ready.
- Foxtrot-Victor Papa, Line up runway 29L, cleared for takeoff wind from 180 ° at 12 knots
- Cleared off, Victor-Foxtrot Papa. "

The readback at 8am, I do not particularly successful. It repeats.

" - Foxtrot-Victor Papa, correction, cleared for takeoff runway 29L "

The small grass strip in St. Cyr had turned into real sticky mud. is a great opportunity, we will try to say first off the court:" the parking brake: tight; full throttle: it has the power, we loose the brakes! The airspeed indicator is active ... no alarm, a decision it continues! "A take-off due to poor track well fat, I'm very reassured to have an instructor beside me. This will be invaluable in this Sunday morning! The TEMSI showed us the lovely acronym moderate turbulence locally heavy. Accordingly, Alexander asks me to tighten my belt. A first lap to get used to, a base with a descent rate too high (remember that base, we face 15kt). It delivers the gas-cf-ATIS, presumably to preserve the beautiful grass runway of St. Cyr ... The plate, then power, fast and faster, heats it and the rear flap. TdP is the second best, but I still can not project myself into action to do, to anticipate. That will come with experience, surely. In the meantime, we are alone in the lap of St. Cyr.

" - Foxtrot-Victor Papa, 29L basis.
- Foxtrot-Victor Papa, authorized 29L, winds 180 degrees to 15 knots.
- authorized 29L, Victor-Foxtrot Papa. "
and it is the same arena
" - Foxtrot-Victor Papa, go around. "

But experience running short: grit bearing down on us, and frankly, I do not know what to do ... then think about Alexander looks for a low height and full. (J ' Will still have to think in full, but no, not even ...). This is also one of the utility of low-height: time lap is shorter and faster one is asked! (how to forget my Low height first day of my release solo ?).

"Every takeoff is optional, every landing is mandatory. "
We chose to go now, have to land. Mancha in the wind, walk cons. We keep 110-speed AFM-120-usual speed-or 130-mark for crosswind-? Come on, we will not break the glans, it will take 120, as always .

" - Foxtrot-Victor Papa, cleared to land 29L winds 180 ° at 10 knots.
- Authorized landing 29L, Victor-Foxtrot Papa. "

We pass the threshold, I reduce. From the foot to the right, left sleeve, and they pitched well ... we touch.
" Do not brake! "the instructor then repeats we continue to move forward on the wet runway
" Do not brake! " my hand is already positioned on the brakes ...
" Do not brake! " finally it crawls, and there's more to return to the parking kingfishers.
The wet track, a bit of a brake can make a nice slide to the aircraft, without slowing it down ... Thank you Alex

We go quietly to the parking Alcyons ... there is nobody. The doors remain closed clubs, and their aircraft are in the hangar, which is also closed. Alexander asks:
" - Foxtrot-Victor Papa, we could have a clearance to go pick mushrooms walk on the runway in 10 minutes? "
Then Alex was good?;-P During the debriefing, Alexander said he was pleased with my landing, he had not needed to help me, I did everything alone. Good for me. Time to let the rain, digest the day's lesson, and I will make crosswind: I have work to do!

Aircraft retracting the hangar. Considering the weather, I doubt he moves up tomorrow morning. Already, I asked Alexander if he wants a nav for next time. Go to Chartres, and my first landing on a runway hard. In my entry into the clubhouse, Rudolph, one of the instructors of the club, me lance So, you're going to make the IFR? "D-Not immediately, Rudolph, perhaps in a few years!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Santa Maria Ship Parts Columbus

Project Foruminvest Belgium VERVIERS

Click on image to enlarge:

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lady Gaga Leather Jackets


Click on image to enlarge:

Red In The Face After Eating

Old photographs from the Place du Barlet

The Racecourse:

The Great War 1914-1918, instead of Barlet during the occupation:

The cattle market before the racetrack:

Free Plans For Off Road Buggy


The Observer of 30 December 2009 Douaisis

Hammerson becomes new sponsor of the mall.


It's official, the property company Hammerson bought five Foruminvest France French projects including the regional shopping center in place of Barlet.

And the project Barlet again about him. This time the news comes from orteur this mall project, Foruminvest France. This subsidiary of a heritage group, specializing in commercial real estate, was acquired on 21 December by the group Hammerson, a company publicly traded and has a property portfolio in the United Kingdom and France about 4.7 billion pounds. More precisely, Hammerson takes five projects Forumenvest France is currently in front. This
whenever projects malls in the city center of a new genre. The municipalities involved are Beauvais, Mantes-la-Jolie, Bethune, Douai and Marseille. The biggest project is located in Marseille and is called Les Terrasses du Port, one of the largest shopping center projects planned in France in prochanes years. The seed money provided in the first six months is about 50 million euros.
The center will consist of 52 000 m2 150 shops, 2850 parking spaces and a terrace restaurant of 260 meters above the sea along the center has already received many signs of interest and more than 30% of retail space are pre-leased, while the total net rental income equivalent more than 33 million per year. The start of work is planned for late 2010 and the cost of development is estinmé about 450 million euros.

no questioning.

This project was presented by the Douai area during a city council in December 2008. The other four projects are much more modest. Douai to the proposed trade between the Place du Barlet, which was presented Tuesday 25 nevembre 2008 by the mayor of Douai and representative Foruminvest, represents an investment of 100 million euros.
remember it comes to investing in a mall that could have 80 shops and some supermarkets. The company seeks to capture the 250 000 potential customers in the metropolitan area, private national and international brands in Douai. According
Thierry Lefebvre, deputy trade was mayor of Douai, France Foruminvest this acquisition by Hammerson does nothing because "it's rather good news. This means that a large international group interested in Hammerson a project like Barlet. Anyway, so far, there is no question of changing partners, "says Thierry Lefebvre.
confirmed remarks by Mayor Jacques Vernier reached by telephone" This acquisition does nothing Carus. A Foruminvest France, our caller informed me that it was also taken by this group and she was very happy, "said the mayor.

But the opposition does not see things the same way. For Frederic Chereau, the opposition Socialist leader, this acquisition could be bad news. "Foruminvest is a company asset, not listed in vourse, owner of a single same person. It was one of the few arguments that reassured us, "he explains. I fear that with Hammerson, the project should become more profitable. I fear that the new carrier wants to go as fast as possible to quickly resell tes to garner a high added value. This kind of commercial project should rather be sustainable. "

Laurent Goudet

Libby Solution Manual 6th