year was really flying, and being new to the "domain" is not may not help casting a glance back and see everything that happened, everything that was done during the year 2010. Little recap ':
- February, the genesis
I think the term "genesis" is perfect. February, so it's genesis in my case in aviation. Registration club, then the first flight canceled and finally, the issue, the first flight ...
- Mars, the machine is running ...
March is marked by the euphoria of the early hours flight, with a rather bad weather, and thus, inevitably, the virtual is everywhere with the Tour de France VFR IVAO and step crossing the Mediterranean .
- April, the beautiful mess
April is the month of the eruption of Eyjafjallajokul , which only know the Icelanders pronounce. It is also the month of obtaining the medical certificate class 2, which I expected and very nearly get away ...
- June, it's party time!
is the sweetest month of the year: nav first real encounter with the F-QD (Alix hello!) Pontoise on ... It is also the month of arrival J3 the club Alcyone! A beautiful beast, nay, a very beautiful animal, I dream of one day up!
- July, the intense
Undoubtedly, so far, the best month of my life (it's not even hyperbole! = O) with the first low height followed the unforgettable first release solo, the best time in the career of a driver like me, it would seem ...
- August the discovery
A very aero August (you can enjoy vacations and long days) during which the enchaine laps solos, the first nav truly made instruction, and the end of the Tour de France VFR IVAO. Add to this the discovery of PA28, and a small tour of Paris well nice! (Thank you Jean-Pierre)
- September, the month of the members
September, versus August, one month will aeronautically very poor with just an air show at Pontoise, with meetings members of IVAO, and a nav to Dreux (no stories or pictures). Back in the S 1 is not easy, and priorities have changed, and the blog does a single article of September: A survey of members .
- October and the arrival of Winter
October is also very poor: the blog has only one story the last laps solo before winter . The arrival of winter is the arrival of bad weather, and therefore flight cancellations ...
- November, or higher level.
November is characterized by a flight by a weather does not put a driver out ! Faced with this weather, we stay home, and it refines settings his calculator, the opportunity is too good, even if the article needs a little revision, and it is not yet completed date (you will be notified in due course). November was also marked by the world of simulation, very rich in meetings IVAO-his: a golden opportunity to put a face to each name.
- December, the month death
December is the month of snow. A complete mess with airports such as Orly, Roissy and Heathrow closed, all in a polar climate ... It is also the month where I feel the lack of good flights, and for me, a nav to Chartres lying around, and even that is lost. December is the month of "0 flight (except frames), the month where everything remains the same ... as frozen ;-)
I only wish you to you all, readers of this blog, a wonderful year 2011, as full and rich as what was this wonderful vintage 2010 .. . Of course, it happened a lot more during the year 2010, but The year 2011 promises to be even better, with probably the first solo navs, the basic patent, PPL. So many events that will be experienced, and narrated through this blog.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2011!