Our iconography the day will be in touch with our pre-trial review of procurement under the rigged system Aeschlimann whose first hearing is set irrevocably March 10, 2011.
Our first picture laugh on the bench of the accused during the hearing that we believe should be renamed "liars' bench", as the picture that comes from Provence.
Our second image shows the official entrance of the luxury restaurant "Jules Verne" in which, first statement, Manuel Aeschlimann indicated to investigators that he would have gone with his lawyer at the time , Ms. Tubiana, for a "working dinner " the night of his birthday! The lawyer has denied the thing, Manuel Aeschlimann will have to reveal the mysterious identity of the second person he lied police to protect her. Would not it Marie-Dominique Aeschlimann, wife of MP, which means that does not leave room for political Rama Yade wanting to "succeed" without specifying how, to her husband in the National Assembly ?.... ..
asnièrois The friend of the dictatorial regime of Iran called for the censorship: he fails!
The former chief of staff, dismissed on direct intervention of Nicolas Sarkozy In September 2006, Mr. Francis Pourbagher Ramin is a lover of censorship.
As is the case with daily theocratic Iranian regime that worships and rented a DVD celebrating at Asnieres.
Thus, a reader points out that this man spent more than sulfur, which organized the reception at the town hall of Asnières, January 21, 2005, the ambassador of a bloody dictatorship and corrupt has nothing to envy to those who fall in Arab countries, had dared to ask a political blogger asnièrois cut its link to our blog.
This blogger Lawrence Martin Saint Leon, was faced with this demand for petty little dictator, response dignified and democratic which honors more than we him have not made a gift on his actions past and present: he refused any censorship of its links!
Again, Francis Ramin Pourbagher has proven his mind anti-Republican and anti-democratic.
But, again, he found his way on a citizen, who, whatever one may think of his public acts also refused to bow to his dictates and bow to the Iranian regime's faithful servant already wavering.
We had done the same in public relations who had opposed the dispute in September 2006 and Mrs Patricia Chavinier this admirer of a dictatorship that tortures all the Iranian people.
Although we do not share the views of Ms. Chavinier, like Martin Lawrence Saint Leo, we have defended the honor of the elected who is a Democrat and a Republican against insults and pathetic vile attacks of the devoted friend of the Iranian embassy.
What the September 2006 Manuel Aeschlimann and his wife did not spontaneously!
Questions careful readers of the trial which opens March 10, 2011
Our readers, unlike Francis Pourbagher Ramin, favor the most complete freedom of expression they are also constantly on our blog.
Also, two readers sent us asnièrois questions q hether keen to see being asked by lawyers for the City, paid with our taxes, on behalf of the common civil party, the 10 and March 11, 2011.
We make it our duty to publish these questions, which, to quote a famous comedian, are good to ask, in our opinion.
They are:
- Why Manuel Aeschlimann, who claims to be a brilliant strategist, he agreed to challenge Mr. Brice Hortefeux knowingly and his wife, Florence, in the invitation to a meal he knew paid by a private group, the group Avenance? Avenance she knew she was paying a meal with Brice Hortefeux and that this could endanger the court without his knowledge? group Avenance he was informed by Manuel Aeschlimann possible consequence of the national media this crime proved today?
- Manuel Aeschlimann Question: what meals with spouses Hortefeux was to trap it between all the faithful friend of Nicolas Sarkozy or was it pure political unconsciousness , knowing the facts could be discovered as they are today and then greatly harm a friend of the President of the Republic?
- Knowing that Mr. Manuel Aeschlimann said in its Video interviews on record that he never celebrated his birthdays, the latter may explain why then it had to book 22 October 2004, the day of his 40th birthday, two seats in the luxury restaurant " Jules Verne , 2nd floor of the Eiffel Tower?
- As Mr. Tubiana said he had never eaten this evening with Mr. Aeschlimann expensive in this place, denying the former mayor still a member, Mr Aeschlimann can APPOINT THE PERSON with whom he dined that night alone together for a price so high? Would not it Marie-Dominique Aeschlimann, his wife, what would make her the unwitting accomplice to crime found that meal also paid by the group Avenance?
- Or, as former allies of the ex-mayor and member even suggested so acidic with Ms. Fabienne Van Aal born Bary, his chief of staff he has also drawn into the troubles of the International Festival of the record without thinking about the interests of this wonderful mother and wife respectable?
- Regarding allegations of Manuel Aeschlimann indicating that he has never celebrated her birthday, nor those of other family members, can we ask former (NNES) elected (es) before March 2001 if this is true or false as it seems incredible socially? If the answer is yes, can we ask Manuel Aeschlimann reasons for this attitude very unusual for a public man?
These are the questions that our readers need to be asked by lawyers whose mandate is the current mayor, Sébastien Pietrasanta d e represent and defend the interests of the inhabitants and looted the town Asnières.
Marylise Dipusu
asnièroises Chronicles Chapter 421 after March 16, 2008
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