Wednesday, June 27, 2007

•keri Leigh Tucker

stop "Stops ...", j'me the edge in the line.

It seems that the topic of the week is the decision of the lineup of the show "Freeze". I even received an email inviting me to sign a petition. Wait ... I remake ... I had misunderstand: you want me to sign a petition FOR A TV SHOW?! (Yeah, I could write in italics, but I'm capitalized to show you that I can make capital E with an accent. You love them, eh? Well, I'm not my bitch, I give you the trick: ALT 144).
Hey, buy yourself a life, guys.
Is that really on TV has become the opium of the people so that people appear much even though they have so many other media available to them (and yeah, I write "media" without accents "s" because it's Latin and it's already plural). In addition Off frame ", whatever, the program that decrypts the news through the prism of the media. In short: you look like the box lies, there is a guy who will explain to you why do you watch it the lie. too strong, the concept. Please, huh, I happened to look again, the show is quite nice, and then I like the girl with buck teeth, another defector issue I had though love too but I do not remember. In truth, I am sure she is super hot ...
Good show, OK, but hey, you know, me the guy who tells me that my TV lying to me I said
1) my TV to me it does not lie, because when I turn it on it just to play my PS2 and my PS2 she speaks in Japanese and took me into dream worlds, is to say if lying to him is not necessary.
2) In 2007, I will not get my "information" in the TV. I have access to the Internet, information in 3 languages, so if it is to explain that the newspaper has taken over a 20h bogus info for Liberation, which had resumed on a website without even if see it was a hoax, thank you old, I think I'll just use my brain .

And then Daniel Schneidermann, as thou art television friendly, as I read your pamphlet in Libe tearful and I found that from a strictly literary point of view, writing to you like shit.


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