Our iconography of the day will feature the wonderful world that surrounds Manuel Aeschlimann, deputy sentenced on appeal in cassation having to try and keep her a few months severance member that always accumulates with his income as a lawyer traveler.
So we present above the enchanted castle of Manuel Aeschlimann also said "the member Cinderella and waterfall where the magic fairies come to console their mother languid and smooth the poor elected manhandled by the facts and abandoned by all his old friends.
order to show a symbolic image by the blindness of Manuel Aeschlimann current disaster by singing and shouting that victory is eternal, we present the synthetic image of the Titanic hurtling into the night cold to the fatal iceberg that no one on board saw before the fatal shock.
Soon, Manuel Aeschlimann will collect the nicknames, " member Cinderella among comedy fans and" MP Titanic to the direction of the UMP.
5 cases of tuberculosis confirmed mayor of Asnières
information is official and true: there is, for now, 5 cases TB among agents Municipal City of Asnieres.
The mayor, deputy mayor in charge of municipal staff, the Director General Services did not really care about this case of a gravity sanitary obvious.
They have all responded that when we, together with the CFDT union, mentioned the rumor (at this writing, nothing was confirmed) that spoke of TB cases reported among agents of the City.
Since then, a meeting of the Health and Safety City Hall is convened in emergency-if not a disaster-for February 2, 2011.
Let's be clear: it is urgent for the protection of public health practice massive and comprehensive screening of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in all municipal officials, and, if necessary , in the wider population in contact with the service that was struck by this bacillus certainly not fatal, but causing serious damage, sometimes irreparable, to the lungs of sufferers.
As we said we want the municipality resulting from the popular vote, 16 March 2008 against the system to show Aeschlimann, on this issue as on all others, the greater transparency and public speaking sincere and true.
Wonderful World of Manuel Aeschlimann fact ..... pschiiiiiiit!
It is rare to see a recently convicted criminal to appeal also seemed to be well with itself. At Asnieres, it is possible.
Manuel Aeschlimann really lives in a wonderful world, made of wild dreams, fantasies and surreal fierce denial of any living reality that is beginning to fear for his mental balance.
His story on his blog more and more bizarre, the "cake UMP " Asnières is a model of speech to refer to scientific studies on self- persuasion
Our man who has appealed his conviction after he saw a e archi-filled room and thought he saw the crowds wanting above all his return to town hall and held in the Assembly National where the member does virtually nothing, and again, when present as counsel ..... very traveler!
Las , wonderful world, childish, mythical invent more and more clearly Manuel Aeschlimann made this January 25, 2011 ..... a huge pschiiiiitttt! Father Christmas is not spent with friends in the hood policy thousands.
From his past support, there is nothing left: over Nicolas Sarkozy, François Fillon, more, more great leader of the UMP, even more than Jean Sarkozy, Charles Pasqua Patrick Devedjian !!!!!!!..........
The amateur lonely old Germanic legends is reduced from the former losers and " has-been of his party as Roger Karoutchi, who wants to stay at least Senator after missing the Presidency of the Region Ile de France.
UMP deputies and mayors of 92 were absent , another improbable universe collapses strategist for the game of chess.
The secretary of the UMP 92, Jean-Jacques Guillet, made a brief jump does ery short- before departing as the company pressed to escape from this member always lose. His support for the member was sentenced on appeal so stealth that no one spoke because no one has noticed.
The UMP candidate for district elections had not come. No more than two councilors UMP Asnières !!!... ..
For any other spirit endowed with reason that Manuel Aeschlimann, it had an air of late reign, sad twilight of an elected official lost, foundering public, neglect and final live .
But for Manuel Aeschlimann, warned in a other criminal case audiencée 10 and March 11, 2011 for procurement doubtful what we have described above is ..... a huge success, as we say, a springboard for future magical dream!
Shamelessly, his astounding egocentricity expressed in that sentence anthology that puts the offender on appeal before everyone and his team behind, MP has even seen his eyes a UNWAVERING SUPPORT PUBLIC (!!!):
" Under warm applause given the very large audience expressed its unwavering support to MYSELF and my team. "
asnièrois citizens will eventually be asked sarcastically what would constitute a failure or a defeat for Manuel Aeschlimann ....
The loss of a town hall, the next ejection of his seat, a new sentence, this time in prison, his rejection as a lawyer in Africa, in the wonderful world of Manuel Aeschlimann, all s' called victories, hopes, rebounds, success ...!
Clearly, it is urgent for the UMP to find a new leader at the local UMP instead of "Cinderella MP" who loses contact with reality. Fortunately, it has no picture or video of the event he describes. Courage is the mother of security .....
Conversely, for the PS and the FN, among other political parties, the game destructive Manuel Aeschlimann and desperately to save his own interests against those of the UMP, e st a incredible opportunity and opens wide boulevards and secure policies.
To quote one of our elected a corresponding PS with reason: "u not facing an election or an election is Aeschlimann won in advance".
With Manuel Aeschlimann and his wife, the UMP asnièroise goes straight into the wall, breaks up a little more each day and will soon have the slightest credibility.
This is undeniably a resounding success for the enemies of the UMP signed: Spouses Aeschlimann, head of the UMP Asnières sur Seine Titanic.
Silence of servility bed: a little blog obsequious taciturn ......
Not to ridicule a politician who likes to sleep for a dish of lentils or less depending on the case, we will not mention the name of a good writer whose blog we kindly quote, considering its prose of rare obsequiousness toward certain politicians, besides being flattered some more than others.
The distance of the flat lens may alter the assessment of teachers by their servants ....
Some examples of reptilian sycophancy where any freedom and capacity for objective analysis of the facts known are excluded and the position of the mop volunteer is the alpha and omega:
This blog was set title " ; the struggle continues, "which was rebellious and even rebellious.
In this case, the fake sound took precedence over being nonexistent.
While this blog was silent, another, equally long-or almost-left dormant (since July 25, 2010), was experiencing a sudden revival of which we can only welcome the pluralism of democratic life asnièroise:
Returning to the first city, the second with at least some traits of humor, small news fun to make and ...... some paid advertising to private profit to be gleaned from the author.
The antagonism between the intense and relentless appetite of tiny lenses and the ability to write freely, without flattery or shameful indulgence, soon sank this blog so special:
Since April 2010, the wrestler which continued only to get an extra lens is no longer the sacred fire of servility pegged to the fingers, he stopped strumming.
De Profundis.
We dedicate to the author of this blog, which equated with a fine gross Asnières Citizen News .... to newspapers neo-Nazis in the 1930s (Doctorate in grateful tribute to his master es-jobs, Sébastien Pietrasanta), earned an epitaph:
" Here lies a feather prostitute who would could grow if it had sunk in the flat nothingness submission "
Marylise Dipusu
Chapter 407 of the Chronicles of asnièroises after March 16, 2008