Sunday, January 30, 2011

Can Herpes On Forehead

Asnieres sur Seine: MP Cinderella, Titanic and tuberculosis

Our iconography of the day will feature the wonderful world that surrounds Manuel Aeschlimann, deputy sentenced on appeal in cassation having to try and keep her a few months severance member that always accumulates with his income as a lawyer traveler.

So we present above the enchanted castle of Manuel Aeschlimann also said "the member Cinderella and waterfall where the magic fairies come to console their mother languid and smooth the poor elected manhandled by the facts and abandoned by all his old friends.

order to show a symbolic image by the blindness of Manuel Aeschlimann current disaster by singing and shouting that victory is eternal, we present the synthetic image of the Titanic hurtling into the night cold to the fatal iceberg that no one on board saw before the fatal shock.

Soon, Manuel Aeschlimann will collect the nicknames, " member Cinderella among comedy fans and" MP Titanic to the direction of the UMP.


5 cases of tuberculosis confirmed mayor of Asnières

information is official and true: there is, for now, 5 cases TB among agents Municipal City of Asnieres.

The mayor, deputy mayor in charge of municipal staff, the Director General Services did not really care about this case of a gravity sanitary obvious.

They have all responded that when we, together with the CFDT union, mentioned the rumor (at this writing, nothing was confirmed) that spoke of TB cases reported among agents of the City.

Since then, a meeting of the Health and Safety City Hall is convened in emergency-if not a disaster-for February 2, 2011.

Let's be clear: it is urgent for the protection of public health practice massive and comprehensive screening of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in all municipal officials, and, if necessary , in the wider population in contact with the service that was struck by this bacillus certainly not fatal, but causing serious damage, sometimes irreparable, to the lungs of sufferers.

As we said we want the municipality resulting from the popular vote, 16 March 2008 against the system to show Aeschlimann, on this issue as on all others, the greater transparency and public speaking sincere and true.


Wonderful World of Manuel Aeschlimann fact ..... pschiiiiiiit!

It is rare to see a recently convicted criminal to appeal also seemed to be well with itself. At Asnieres, it is possible.

Manuel Aeschlimann really lives in a wonderful world, made of wild dreams, fantasies and surreal fierce denial of any living reality that is beginning to fear for his mental balance.

His story on his blog more and more bizarre, the "cake UMP " Asnières is a model of speech to refer to scientific studies on self- persuasion

Our man who has appealed his conviction after he saw a e archi-filled room and thought he saw the crowds wanting above all his return to town hall and held in the Assembly National where the member does virtually nothing, and again, when present as counsel ..... very traveler!

Las , wonderful world, childish, mythical invent more and more clearly Manuel Aeschlimann made this January 25, 2011 ..... a huge pschiiiiitttt! Father Christmas is not spent with friends in the hood policy thousands.

From his past support, there is nothing left: over Nicolas Sarkozy, François Fillon, more, more great leader of the UMP, even more than Jean Sarkozy, Charles Pasqua Patrick Devedjian !!!!!!!..........

The amateur lonely old Germanic legends is reduced from the former losers and " has-been of his party as Roger Karoutchi, who wants to stay at least Senator after missing the Presidency of the Region Ile de France.

UMP deputies and mayors of 92 were absent , another improbable universe collapses strategist for the game of chess.

The secretary of the UMP 92, Jean-Jacques Guillet, made a brief jump does ery short- before departing as the company pressed to escape from this member always lose. His support for the member was sentenced on appeal so stealth that no one spoke because no one has noticed.

The UMP candidate for district elections had not come. No more than two councilors UMP Asnières !!!... ..

For any other spirit endowed with reason that Manuel Aeschlimann, it had an air of late reign, sad twilight of an elected official lost, foundering public, neglect and final live .

But for Manuel Aeschlimann, warned in a other criminal case audiencée 10 and March 11, 2011 for procurement doubtful what we have described above is ..... a huge success, as we say, a springboard for future magical dream!

Shamelessly, his astounding egocentricity expressed in that sentence anthology that puts the offender on appeal before everyone and his team behind, MP has even seen his eyes a UNWAVERING SUPPORT PUBLIC (!!!):

" Under warm applause given the very large audience expressed its unwavering support to MYSELF and my team. "

asnièrois citizens will eventually be asked sarcastically what would constitute a failure or a defeat for Manuel Aeschlimann ....

The loss of a town hall, the next ejection of his seat, a new sentence, this time in prison, his rejection as a lawyer in Africa, in the wonderful world of Manuel Aeschlimann, all s' called victories, hopes, rebounds, success ...!

Clearly, it is urgent for the UMP to find a new leader at the local UMP instead of "Cinderella MP" who loses contact with reality. Fortunately, it has no picture or video of the event he describes. Courage is the mother of security .....

Conversely, for the PS and the FN, among other political parties, the game destructive Manuel Aeschlimann and desperately to save his own interests against those of the UMP, e st a incredible opportunity and opens wide boulevards and secure policies.

To quote one of our elected a corresponding PS with reason: "u not facing an election or an election is Aeschlimann won in advance".

With Manuel Aeschlimann and his wife, the UMP asnièroise goes straight into the wall, breaks up a little more each day and will soon have the slightest credibility.

This is undeniably a resounding success for the enemies of the UMP signed: Spouses Aeschlimann, head of the UMP Asnières sur Seine Titanic.


Silence of servility bed: a little blog obsequious taciturn ......

Not to ridicule a politician who likes to sleep for a dish of lentils or less depending on the case, we will not mention the name of a good writer whose blog we kindly quote, considering its prose of rare obsequiousness toward certain politicians, besides being flattered some more than others.

The distance of the flat lens may alter the assessment of teachers by their servants ....

Some examples of reptilian sycophancy where any freedom and capacity for objective analysis of the facts known are excluded and the position of the mop volunteer is the alpha and omega:

This blog was set title " ; the struggle continues, "which was rebellious and even rebellious.

In this case, the fake sound took precedence over being nonexistent.

While this blog was silent, another, equally long-or almost-left dormant (since July 25, 2010), was experiencing a sudden revival of which we can only welcome the pluralism of democratic life asnièroise:

Returning to the first city, the second with at least some traits of humor, small news fun to make and ...... some paid advertising to private profit to be gleaned from the author.

The antagonism between the intense and relentless appetite of tiny lenses and the ability to write freely, without flattery or shameful indulgence, soon sank this blog so special:

Since April 2010, the wrestler which continued only to get an extra lens is no longer the sacred fire of servility pegged to the fingers, he stopped strumming.

De Profundis.

We dedicate to the author of this blog, which equated with a fine gross Asnières Citizen News .... to newspapers neo-Nazis in the 1930s (Doctorate in grateful tribute to his master es-jobs, Sébastien Pietrasanta), earned an epitaph:

" Here lies a feather prostitute who would could grow if it had sunk in the flat nothingness submission "

Marylise Dipusu

Chapter 407 of the Chronicles of asnièroises after March 16, 2008

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Serve In Army What At Retirement

Asnieres sur Seine: rumors in town hall and the odd lawyer Africa

iconography Our first day will feature the rumors that are born and thrive mayor when the mayor and his deputies are not any light on the allegations, leaving the ground for the most disturbing noises and suspicious.

Then, following the conversion of Manuel Aeschlimann lawyer in the very special clients in Africa and giving its opinion on the OUTSIDE sovereign African state governments, we highlight two books that oppose : one is "The Diary of a colonialist, "Manuel Aeschlimann had to make his favorite book when you read his statements full of neo-colonial condescension on specific African personality, the other more than our taste, the book is the great writer and poet Aimé Césaire who deals "discourse on colonialism.

It is strange that this beautiful text tends to make us look exactly the words and attitudes of Manuel Aeschlimaann in Africa as that of a servant of foreign peoples in Africa, economic and financial interests very specific, that smell correct a tendency to constant interference in the internal affairs of African people.

Manuel Aeschlimann, Call convicted for the crime of favoritism, should be careful, however: in Africa, the tendency is to revolts and revolutions, from Tunisia to Egypt, Algeria, Yemen . In West Africa, the current process could quickly develop speech and acts hostile to the "French networks" and their representatives ..... The struggle of African peoples against foreign interference is therefore neo-colonial complete.


The rumors that the town hall of Asnières: agents have contracted the tuberculosis bacillus, truth or lie?

past few days, sources within the Town Hall of Asnières circulate on all sides of emails and information-peddling at this stage who are still mere unproven rumors - the existence of cases of tuberculosis on some municipal officials of our town.

According to these statements, including at least two sources have been identified by the correspondents of our blog as a citizen relatives of Manuel Aeschlimann, the meeting of Health and Safety Committee of the Town Hall would have been sought (unsuccessfully, as these statements ) and general supervision of municipal staff have also been asked by the mayor (no response, according to these sources also).

Also, anxiety, self, goes over the lack of clear communication of the facts alleged.

Let Indeed, screening, some of which were positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis have been made and then leaders of the town hall are at fault for not extending the screening process to all agents on behalf of the precautionary principle,

Either this is an operation of disinformation by friends of the former mayor, accusing him of wanting to harm the current municipality false ....

Given these two assumptions, which is one of public health, the other handling unworthy, we suggest Mayor, Sébastien Pietrasanta, who knows nothing about the methods dear to the former mayor sentenced for the crime of Appeal in favoritism January 21, 2011, to shed light on the allegations disclosed.

Such public position is in any case the best response to the two alternatives presented:

if this is true, it is essential play full transparency and protect the health of all city officials to implement the relevant health regulations,
if this is false, tell all the people and officials concerned that this is a malicious rumor in the public interest in reassuring the citizenry and personal facts.

Again and again, what should guide the position of mayor and elected officials must be the only public interest.

Faced with the practices of Friends of Manuel Aeschlimann including our recent articles showed the twisted realities and manifest cynicism, it is essential that the municipality resulting from the popular vote March 16, 2008 is constantly at the forefront of transparency and public speech as sincere as true.


The CFDT union municipal staff confirms the truth of Asnieres the problem of tuberculosis. According to the union, reported 5 cases of tuberculosis were found among municipal employees. The council has begun to respond, albeit belatedly so far: it convenes the Health and Safety Committee municipal staff February 2, 2011.

It seems that the information disseminated by the CFDT and our blog have allowed elected officials and the Director General Services of the Town Hall are suddenly the true extent of problems.
We fully support the legitimate demand for public health, municipal officials and residents of Asnieres, the CFDT union that requires immediate screening of all municipal staff.

We add that we ask in addition that the infected workers are supported in the frame, or a related disease demonstrated their professional employment or, failing that, by accident, with maintenance of treatment since this infection has developed on the workplace and the employer, the mayor has responded to this serious infection very late.

We wish a speedy recovery with an effective treatment for patients and staff extend our solidarity to their families in a state of moral shock.


The criminal conviction of Manuel Aeschlimann circulating in the African press!

African media are beginning to reshape a more objective, consistent with known facts, Manuel Aeschlimann, lawyer and member of the UMP, which intends to interfere, in a style somewhat neo-colonial in the internal affairs of African people.

The distance between the lawyer and the Elysée seems to have been built by independent African media (... .. interests of the famous French " Françafrique "), but this marks the most Call is his conviction on charges of favoritism now circulating in the media free of several African countries.

Clearly, disclosure of such information seriously hampers Manuel Aeschlimann pathetic attempts to give a misrepresented on the African continent .

who heard him play with competent counsel eventually appear as an avatar annealing former members of the networks' France's African , which have always marked a neo-colonial hated African people, and rightly so.

importantly, this dissemination of public information from the French Justice reveals a hidden side, a dark side that the lawyer and UMP was trying to hide from its customers and African relations.

Recognizing the importance of this subject ( has attempted conversion in Africa chased a former mayor and attested by the Justice France), we also implemented a " ; Committee Manuel Aeschlimann in Africa to diffuse to the African media the real facts, real, public, on the real Manuel Aeschlimann.

It is important to protect the peoples of Africa and lies practices Manuel Aeschlimann, make them aware of his past betrayals and Asnières made dirty tricks, so that the truth about this public man is widely known as it is now at Asnieres.

Already, links are forged with blogs, news sites and African journalists, too, want the truth and are in search of the best sources on the past rather unappealing Manuel Aeschlimann .

And the memory of the Internet is incredibly effective here .....

Marylise Dipusu

Chapter 406 of the Chronicles of asnièroises after March 16, 2008

Thursday, January 27, 2011

What Kind Of Gpa For Ots

Education fairs aerospace

Quand je ne suis pas l'élève pilote du dimanche matin, je suis juste un élève moyen de 1°S ... La 1°, comme ne cessent de nous le dire nos profs, c'est le choix de nos orientations pour l'avenir, la suite que l'on va donner à notre carrière professionnelle, et tout cela annonce le début de la course aux salons de métiers ou aux salons de formations.

Je pense ne rien vous apprendre en vous confiant que je vise une carrière dans l'aviation commerciale, as a future airline pilot, for example ... but whatever happens, it is first and foremost a passion, and in this context, it is always interesting to meet other enthusiasts who had the idea to get laid before I came along in the world! That's why crossing the tower are always so great. (Eg, the lighthouse of Rouen, by Vincent B.)

Knowing I'm not the only high school in the aviation world, here are the next two, which I had thanks to some new contacts:
  • Saturday 29 and Sunday, January 30 2011, the Aero Club of Versailles, Saint-Cyr Aerodrome-l'Ecole LFPZ:
you can meet professionals (civil or military), allowing young people to talk directly with pilots, engineers, maintenance specialists, controllers, etc. ... Sunday will be more present in the CFA trades the air. Free admission.

  • From Friday 4 to Sunday, February 6, 2011, the Museum of Air and Space, 19 ° and Fair Trades Training Aircraft:
Thanks to Alix F. of "Position and Hold " have relayed this info!

your tickets then, for the two weekends ahead will be busy aeronautically! Appointment on January 30 at Saint-Cyr, and Feb. 6 at Le Bourget where j''espère So see you there to exchange a few words, at worst. Besides, my camera batteries are fully charged they all? ;-D

Building A Fire Pit With Retaining Wall Blocks

Asnieres sur Seine: manipulation and Leatherheads

Our iconography of the day will be linked to strange friends Manuel Aeschlimann also be those who say the Muslim community of Asnieres, which seems not to be unanimity in the ranks of the latter ....

By order, we will present a poster photo of Mohamed Bentebra on which anonymous hands visibly angry painted the word "Judah " , as though he had betrayed someone his friends.

Then comes a report on the Municipal Police bizarre activities of "false police" of two men in Asnieres, with opposing arrogance and contempt for officials of the municipal police.

Below for all elected officials, citizens, judicial authorities, national police, politicians know how Mr. Francis and Ramin Pourbagher Zouhaïr Ech Chetouani are lovers of democracy and pests low political police methods, the link to the two-page report prepared by the municipal police in their illegal intrusion into the room video surveillance of the Municipal Police, dated March 2, 2004.

To read the full report of the Municipal Police in this offense common to the two men mentioned above:

rating evokes many Breaking the law, both intruders who are not of Judicial Police Officer.

Some links more explicit about the two "false OPJ" who play police officers without having the qualities (which is also a crime sanctioned by law): -a-asnieres

To date, surprisingly, as noted in our interview of the day, neither of these two men caught breaking a law of public order has been disciplined for this offense is detected. I

It is perhaps not too late for the unanimous demand asnièrois elected Mr. Philippe Courroye and the Ministry of Interior to explain this strange passivity in front of a proven criminal act, this crime Aeschlimann that spouses say they are fighting with all their small forces ....


The DCRI, the mosque and some friends Asnières MP Manuel Aeschlimann seen by a member of the local UOIF.

A strangeness continued with us: since we pointed to the fact that the objectives of the association Najma ", chaired by the friend of Manuel Aeschlimann, Zouhaïr Ech Chetouani, could touch and Manuel Aeschlimann Nicolas Sarkozy by throwing a harsh light on their operations within the community Muslims in France and Asnieres

this association suddenly kills and a link to his blog is empty of all content!

Again, an initiative propelled by Manuel Aeschlimann hood miserably, though a little late to avoid the lights come back on the past.

Our editorial has conducted a lengthy interview a member (activist?) of the UOIF (Union of Islamic Organizations of France) Asnières. To protect his anonymity as he has requested, we will call " Amadeus."

What it tells us is very interesting, even if we can not verify the condition in everything he says, it seemed important to synthesize information for citizens of Asnières, elected to the town, members of national political parties most of his statements.

It is clear that Microsoft makes any way the veracity of his allegations, and that we simply make them known on behalf of free expression of citizens.

The following is a summary prepared by us, reread and accepted by Amadeus as honestly and faithfully reflect his statements and their meaning.

" I am an active member of the UOIF Asnieres on my beliefs and assumes fully in the framework of democracy existing in France. I am a French citizen and a practicing Muslim, respects the laws of the Republic.

As a member of the UOIF, I want to say clearly that I do not condone any act of dishonesty or financial misconduct contrary to my beliefs and principles of life. However, I want to give my feelings on various subjects through your blog, one of the most played on local life, by far, among my fellow Jews and all people of Asnieres.

Personally, I am appalled for years by the interference of politicians of all colors in our religious affairs. I object to the confusion between Islam and politics at Asnieres and elsewhere.

This is not true of everyone in our community, unfortunately.

So for me, Francis Pourbagher is not a member of our religious community, but both a politician and a possible agent of the French DCRI also linked to the Iranian regime.

His links with the DCRI seem proved by episodes of its intrusion into the local video surveillance of municipal police ( offense remained strangely no further judicial ) And its many old information, known only to the internal security services on members of our community ( minor offenses, arrests, difficulties in residence, a prison for certain acts, etc. .. ..

Pourbagher I noted that Francis had frequent access to confidential documents in the past from the DST and RG . The press has to also spoke.

As Justice has not conducted investigations on the subject, nor sanctioned the use of these confidential documents, I believe that the user is at least near, or so, a French secret service agent. To deny these services and, if such is the case, to explain why they have not carried out immediately legal action against Francis Pourbagher for disclosure of internal documents of these services and unclassified.

Moreover, it is obvious, since the famous case of the DVD showing on Iranian television, that Francis is also a close Pourbagher the Iranian regime, c ette dual activity may not only surprise and ask troubling questions.

I am even more convinced police ties Francis Pourbagher it continues for years fliquer people, including Muslims, to question, to meddle everything and believe he is the friend of Muslims to monitor what is said and done in our associative structures.

Just as I am wary of Francis Pourbagher like a snake, I no more trust in its two lost souls, Mohamed Bentebra, who does not hide its ambitions as a politician who wants to use it for the votes of our brothers and sisters, and Zuhair Ech Chetouani is a man of extreme vulgarity for whom religion is a way to become known as a political actor in the community, the depths of true Islam is foreign to him.

I remind qu'Ech Chetouani was also in the local municipal police with Francis Pourbagher when a report was written on their interference prohibited by law. him either, single city employee, was not worried by then Justice. Why? Is it also related to the French secret service or another country to benefit from such a judicial tolerance? I wonder.

Editor's note: see link:

These people are not my eyes real Muslims, committed to the precepts of the Koran, just politicians playing the "overseers" " Muslims who want politicians to base their careers on the backs of the community of believers.

On the book " the shade of the Qur'an , let's be clear: many people knew, including the town hall in October 2004 when Sarkozy came to lay a stone in front of cameras .

For example, I know Belayadi Mabrouk, who was very close to Manuel Aeschlimann and Bernard Loth, had spoken to two people, indicating that the book was a religious work, nothing more. Nobody looked any further. Not even the police.

In this respect, I disagree with your analysis and views on this book that you have as an advocacy of non-Muslims. In my opinion, this is a collection of thoughts and reflections on the Muslim religion, but from the outside, I can imagine that parts of its content can be felt differently.

I want to make clear that my comments are those of myself and not UOIF and I thank Asnières News Citizens for giving me a right of expression to say what I know, understand and think about the points.

In drafting Asnières Citizen News, certification of the interview made

Marylise Dipusu

Chapter 405 Chronicles asnièroises after March 16, 2008

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Play Kate Nash Foundations On Piano

Asnieres sur Seine: Gunfight at the OK CFCM via

Our iconography of the day this will When compared with the dirty tricks between old friends and the little secrets that it should not be leaked or delete as they can be annoying.

Curiously, in recent days, and for unexplained reasons, the blog dedicated to the association "Najma" who wanted to shed light on the sums paid by citizens of Muslim faith in order to build a beautiful new mosque at Asnieres and verify the integrity of the leaders of the Muslim community is invisible Asnières .....

According to our citizens' survey, however, there is much to say by and for supporters of transparency in political ties and interactions between religious and politicians at Asnieres. According to an activist UOIF we interviewed and who agreed to meet us:
" Association Najma is hypocritical cover relatives of Manuel Aeschlimann order to harm the UOIF in defamation and seeking to hide the friendly ties since 2002 between the former mayor and leaders of the Muslim community at Asnieres .

Yikes?? It would scoop on Asnieres these friendships long term between UMP and relatives declared the Muslim Brotherhood, considered by the UMP as "fundamentalists dangerous."

What this says activist the UOIF is it true? For now, Manuel Aeschlimann is silent and Najma is absent subscribers !!!......

To each judge on the facts and writings.


Behind the money from the mosque Asnières, the fight against FNMF UOIF

Aeschlimann The system is dying and the wafer 2011 the UMP Asnières widely as evidenced tells our colleague asnièrois through this strong link code the fall of Manuel Aeschlimann:

From our side, we will not look on the side of Abidjan, where a local paper is still complacent or naive enough to evoke the member sentenced in appeal (and who wants to go to Supreme Court) as a person with influence in France ... . To believe in Abidjan, the judicial information from France are not read carefully ....

We will now examine a conflict that takes the light of quality information, an interest that can escape any citizen asnièrois: the conflict develops about who Finance and seize the leadership of the Muslim community Asnières!

As the national media have on this delicate subject a strange vow of silence heavy, it is important that the truth about the events that took place and who are the poisoned fruit of the processes involved in our City since October 2004 should be expressed clearly and freely.

As we noted recently with some ironic humor:

a fierce battle is underway for the political and financial control of the Muslim community of Asnieres. Who are the real protagonists hidden behind names and associations?

The confrontation between structure UOIF (Union of Islamic Organizations of France) , considered close to the fundamentalist tendencies of the Muslim religion to FNMF (National Federation of Muslims of France) , seen as more moderate and mostly politically subservient and financially in the theocratic-monarchic Moroccan ..

This is a point already 6 years ago, the book of journalist Frederick Charpier between pages 279 and 286 of the first edition of (these pages seem to have disappeared publications during following .....!!!).

What did the investigation of the journalist s ur struggles for political influence within the Muslim community asnièroise that is the issue of the same struggles that within the famous CFCM (French Council the Muslim Faith) wanted and implemented by Nicolas Sarkozy in May 2003?

The CFCM will be directed, after elections in which democracy was largely absent, by an official of the FNMF, p rock to Moroccan and especially supported, authorized by Nicolas Sarkozy.

policy objective of Nicolas Sarkozy at the time, seen as one that has created true Muslim cultic institutions in France and will also put the fundamentalists in the UOIF cutting "Moroccans " of FNMF. (2005, 40% of imams officiating in France are of Moroccan nationality ......!!! And thus capturing the votes of Muslim citizens to become President of the Republic.

During era Aeschlimann, and well before the Muslim community asnièroise was headed by Abdel Kader ACHEBOUCHE that Frederick Charpier present page 283, as close to the UOIF and the Muslim Brotherhood ( wing religious and political advocating a return to original Islam).

Concerning the financial aspects for the removal and use of private funds to build places of worship, Nicolas Sarkozy is still creating March 21, 2005 the Public Foundation for the Works of the Islam, the financial arm of the CFCM and all its sub-structures.

Now that we have reviewed and given the national context of what was happening within the Muslim community in Asnieres, it is interesting to observe an "anomaly " significant:
while Nicolas Sarkozy supports FNMF at national level in the CFCM has it installed, Manuel Aeschlimann maintains at Asnieres ...... the best relations with the world leaders of the UOIF , particularly in his famous C ouncil foreign communities and religious - confusion that reflects indeed the author of this institution.!

In summary, while the whole of France, Nicolas Sarkozy works for FNMF stranglehold on all the mosques in the country at Asnieres displayed openly as Manuel Aeschlimann an elected UMP close UOIF, organization officially opposed by his friend became President of the Republic in May 2007.

We therefore arrive in January 2011 an association called " Najma " tackles so suddenly, after years silence, the leaders of the mosque UOIF Asnières taking as a target of alleged embezzlement of private funds and slow manifest building the mosque including Nicolas Sarkozy came in October 2004 laid the first stone in doing everything for the CFCM could seize ACEA-association that brought together Muslim community asnièroise ( presence at the ceremony, next to Nicolas Sarkozy, and ostentatiously, Dalil Boubaker and leaders of FNMF ).

The association Najma " is headed-what a coincidence! - known by a municipal employee, very close to the UMP trend Aeschlimann, Ech Chetouani Zuhair, a French citizen of Moroccan origin and watched by supporters of a militant UOIF FNMF (held, as noted above, the Moroccan monarchy).

From all this it is so obvious: through association Najma ", directed and animated by the friend of Manuel Aeschlimann, described as a militant UOIF of FNMF-can we deduce what being an operation to change the direction of the Muslim community of Asnieres, the benefit of FNMF therefore, an organization that has received the President's knighthood?

doing, as if by a happy coincidence, the traces are close relations between Manuel Aeschlimann and UOIF on Asnieres could be erased, or at least much diminished .. ..

conclude on information included in the new first edition of the book of Frederick Charpier, page 285:

is Well, according to the journalist very informed of " close " Abdel Kader ACHEBOUCHE the interlocutor UOIF Manuel Aeschlimann for years for the Muslim community Current and accused by the association Najma "possible misappropriation of the faithful, q ui have printed at their expense - with what money coming from where ? - the 10,000 copies of the book " the shade of the Qur'an ', all in Lebanon in 1988.

The same author speaks of Abdel Kader ACHEBOUCHE as the instigator of publishing this book, which is pretty violent in form and substance against anyone perceived by its author as non-Muslim.

Here is an old friend of UMP very interesting and ex-mayor of Asnières, Manuel Aeschlimann, even if the member and former mayor we had not recounted his life and literary activities as editorial.

And this above all a man suddenly attacked with force and advertising on its moral integrity with respect to financial management of the Muslim community, it by friends of his " old friend ; ' Manuel Aeschlimann, without a single- ONE - voice rises activity open to discuss his arguments in favor of violent Muslim Brotherhood and recalls £ 10,000 found hidden in a cave!

These facts might lead a municipality attentive to civil concord among citizens interested in this matter-suppressed fast-on the origin of funds and the objectives pursued by the editors at their own expense 10,000 books printed in French in Lebanon.

example in the form of a Mission Municipal Information ....

Asnières A New Citizen, we are concerned with logical
" why the association" Najma "who wants to charge Mr. ACHEBOUCHE UOIF and all the ills of the mosque construction delay does not she, to win its case- history of the 10,000 books and discovered the source of funds used for this purpose?

This would still not protect ancient but excellent relationship between Manuel Aeschlimann, UMP, and the leaders of the UOIF asnièrois who edited the aforementioned book ?

Who would believe such an assumption in this context?

We would like to know what Sébastien Pietrasanta think of it, he and his elected majority can decide together to try and tell the truth to the people of the town on his dark stories.

NOTE: for those who want to learn some useful links to update, but that can be included:

Marylise Dipusu

Chapter 404 of the Chronicles of asnièroises after 16 March 2008

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sandal Gap Toe Normal

Asnières Asnières sur Seine: UMP, the great circus and the loser standing

Our iconography of the day will report on one side with the change of sentiment towards the citizens elected indicted and / or convicted of criminal offenses as favoritism in the awarding of public contracts, and the other, the break-system decomposition Aeschlimann at Asnieres sur Seine.

As a symbol of radical change in voter sentiment against the possible abuses and misconduct of elected officials indicted and / or convicted, we present the portrait of the new mayor of the town of Senlis, Mrs Pascale Loiseleur, elected yesterday with 55% of the votes cast against the former mayor, who was prosecuted for favoritism and illegal acquisition of interests in public contracts.

That will reduce to ashes dust ridiculous claims of Manuel Aeschlimann get elected again by the voters of Asnieres.

This election demonstrates a marked transformation the mindset of citizens in France on this subject, which is the French equivalent of the popular revolution in Tunisia against a corrupt regime and its leaders favored cynically personal enrichment against the public interest.

With prosecutions launched against Haiti's former dictator also corrupt, Jean-Claude Duvalier, it appears that the movement of people against the corrupt local politicians accused of being, or even condemned, is developing strongly.

The second image is a pile of debris that symbolizes what happened in January 2011 the system Aeschlimann, founded by the man who claimed in 1999 to his friends at the time: " when I am elected mayor, he will not drive me from my position."

Side bully and arrogant complexed Manuel Aeschlimann had since then folded many of his claims.

In early 2011, surrounded by business, Manuel Aeschlimann plays every time loser. We demonstrate this again with this article and facts.


MP fall, heckle his old friends .....

If we had an undeniable physical evidence that highlights the fall of the member Manuel Aeschlimann within the UMP and the electorate asnièrois, the multitude of candidates for the cantonal ballot North Asnières from its system would provide dislocated brilliantly.

Let things first: it seems an official candidate is that of the UMP .

This candidate except unpredictable change is always possible in a local UMP split into rival clans who hate each other and a federation of 92 divided between friends and relatives Parrick Devedjian Jean Sarkozy, is Thierry Le Gac.

However, in order to clearly believe that the head of the UMP asnièroise Manuel Aeschlimann, is now powerless to control his troops in old pieces, right, and from the ruins of the shot system, the candidates stand and walk on foot to the biggest political advantage of the obvious candidate PS.

We can not exclude the willingness of our assumptions Aeschlimann husband to fight, stand by covertly various candidates, the pretender to the UMP, Thierry Le Gac ... 1998 is still fresh in many memories.

In March 1998, we remember q eu Manuel Aeschliman had then everything started to beat the candidate when RPR, Christian LeBlanc and thus, the PS Dominique Riera had triumphed during an election for the same triangular Canton Township north.

Already, we know that Bentebra Mohamed, who no denial as much as civic morale is an impossible mission, presented his candidacy early, all centered on itself.

C and municipal employee has served the soup in 2004 at the UMP and Patricia Chavinier, rewarded for it by Manuel Aeschlimann which manufactures custom a position can, if not fictitious charge of the mission with which he served when it veered about anything for his boss.

No one doubts that listening his zealous nature of a servant dismissed will be the bed of the highest bidder on the right side of the political spectrum asnièrois, but if the PS offered him a job .....

are eagerly awaiting the official declaration of candidacy of sulfur and hilarious Francis Pourbagher Ramin, allowing the college to ridicule and give the measure of his lack public through a democratic election , fake without being able to do as his masters in Iran he is well loved with fidelity over and more attention.

Voices in the northern district that we whisper Zouhaïr Ech Chetouani would also urge to be a candidate to the General Council of 92 . Why not if it is his great desire ....

Without having actually been an actor, as the top three cities, the system Aeschlimann, Bohbot Ralph is definitely a candidate of the opportunity offered by the defeat of Manuel Aeschlimann March 16, 2008.

man inconsistent, the program Blur as well as support contradictory, is in the March 2011 ballot the candidate who has at least crank the advantage of being laughed at him and his initiatives comedy.

As noted by a citizen warned
" everything happens as if the former servants of the system acting Aeschlimann, each on their side to defeat the nomination Gac- Chavinier, this being particularly marked at Francis Pourbagher which also has a personal hatred tenacious Ms. Chavinier since September 2006. The profusion of candidates on the right, declared or concealed, will create a climate of confusion and discouragement in the electorate UMP little more traditionally mobilized for this type of election. This bottleneck could be fatal to champion local UMP supported at least in words by the spouses Aeschlimann »......


The big loser of the permanent circus

What would happen in the UMP Asnières if, in this context, reinforced by the national environment pushing ahead the National Front and the Left in general, Thierry Le Gac was beaten?

The question may arise as a citizen.

Indeed, a failure of the official candidate of the UMP, including Manuel Aeschlimann is still officially the local boss, would be both a local second defeat for the party of Nicolas Sarkozy and Jean-Francois Cope, parallel and could appear as a sharp repudiation of the renewed leadership of the UMP asnièroise, so Manuel Aeschlimann!

In the cantonal elections in March 2011, when Thierry Le Gac was defeated at the polls, a possibility of more realistic given the current process until at Asnieres in the country, Manuel Aeschlimann would in any event seen by everyone as the culprit responsible.

Let me explain: Manuel Aeschlimann and will be watched, because we will be in such a failure of UMP the effects of his personal actions, his convictions and his past management disastrous for the town , either because we suspect the Following the betrayal of his party, knowing that it would not be the first and only time!

Conversely, a successful bid for Thierry Le Gac, which everyone knows is no longer a close of the spouses Aeschlimann, would not be good news for Manuel Aeschlimann as it would the winner of the township north potential contender for the leadership of the UMP section, so push the person to seek to seize the post by Manuel Aeschlimann in the local UMP ....

Since we know that Manuel Aeschlimann loves electoral strategy which he claims is a master-expert, we will closely follow the events, which, whatever he does or does not will turn in each case against the deputy sentenced on appeal January 21, 2011 .

A former elected the former mayor for Asnieres summarizes the state of New Citizens Manuel Aeschlimann in March 2011:
" 10 and 11 March he will have the right to new media headlines for the trial of public contracts, including those granted to the group AVENANCE, all in an atmosphere of growing popular rejection of global corruption policies, as has just proved the revolution in Tunisia and also elected the new mayor of Senlis against an elected UMP prosecuted for favoritism.

With cantonal elections, battery Gac triumph and Manuel loses his authority over the UMP local front, Le Gac fails and everyone will defeat the Manuel dos. 's tough to be an expert in electoral strategy lose-lose. "

To find out what happened to the UMP mayor of Senlis continued patronage and for taking unlawful interest:

What just happened to Senlis is also a strong signal against illusions Manuel Aeschlimann false sentenced for the crime of favoritism.

For that is still a member of Asnieres reassured about ways between " friends "within the UMP when the charges and convictions fall to an elected president's party, we offer this link before publication of the book promised by the former mayor of Senlis beat:

This should show that "supports " he is talking s years cited, nor prove , are like those that had defeated the former mayor of Senlis ....

Marylise Dipusu

Chronicles Chapter 403 asnièroises after March 16, 2008