Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Play Kate Nash Foundations On Piano

Asnieres sur Seine: Gunfight at the OK CFCM via

Our iconography of the day this will When compared with the dirty tricks between old friends and the little secrets that it should not be leaked or delete as they can be annoying.

Curiously, in recent days, and for unexplained reasons, the blog dedicated to the association "Najma" who wanted to shed light on the sums paid by citizens of Muslim faith in order to build a beautiful new mosque at Asnieres and verify the integrity of the leaders of the Muslim community is invisible Asnières .....

According to our citizens' survey, however, there is much to say by and for supporters of transparency in political ties and interactions between religious and politicians at Asnieres. According to an activist UOIF we interviewed and who agreed to meet us:
" Association Najma is hypocritical cover relatives of Manuel Aeschlimann order to harm the UOIF in defamation and seeking to hide the friendly ties since 2002 between the former mayor and leaders of the Muslim community at Asnieres .

Yikes?? It would scoop on Asnieres these friendships long term between UMP and relatives declared the Muslim Brotherhood, considered by the UMP as "fundamentalists dangerous."

What this says activist the UOIF is it true? For now, Manuel Aeschlimann is silent and Najma is absent subscribers !!!......

To each judge on the facts and writings.


Behind the money from the mosque Asnières, the fight against FNMF UOIF

Aeschlimann The system is dying and the wafer 2011 the UMP Asnières widely as evidenced tells our colleague asnièrois through this strong link code the fall of Manuel Aeschlimann:

From our side, we will not look on the side of Abidjan, where a local paper is still complacent or naive enough to evoke the member sentenced in appeal (and who wants to go to Supreme Court) as a person with influence in France ... . To believe in Abidjan, the judicial information from France are not read carefully ....

We will now examine a conflict that takes the light of quality information, an interest that can escape any citizen asnièrois: the conflict develops about who Finance and seize the leadership of the Muslim community Asnières!

As the national media have on this delicate subject a strange vow of silence heavy, it is important that the truth about the events that took place and who are the poisoned fruit of the processes involved in our City since October 2004 should be expressed clearly and freely.

As we noted recently with some ironic humor:

a fierce battle is underway for the political and financial control of the Muslim community of Asnieres. Who are the real protagonists hidden behind names and associations?

The confrontation between structure UOIF (Union of Islamic Organizations of France) , considered close to the fundamentalist tendencies of the Muslim religion to FNMF (National Federation of Muslims of France) , seen as more moderate and mostly politically subservient and financially in the theocratic-monarchic Moroccan ..

This is a point already 6 years ago, the book of journalist Frederick Charpier between pages 279 and 286 of the first edition of (these pages seem to have disappeared publications during following .....!!!).

What did the investigation of the journalist s ur struggles for political influence within the Muslim community asnièroise that is the issue of the same struggles that within the famous CFCM (French Council the Muslim Faith) wanted and implemented by Nicolas Sarkozy in May 2003?

The CFCM will be directed, after elections in which democracy was largely absent, by an official of the FNMF, p rock to Moroccan and especially supported, authorized by Nicolas Sarkozy.

policy objective of Nicolas Sarkozy at the time, seen as one that has created true Muslim cultic institutions in France and will also put the fundamentalists in the UOIF cutting "Moroccans " of FNMF. (2005, 40% of imams officiating in France are of Moroccan nationality ......!!! And thus capturing the votes of Muslim citizens to become President of the Republic.

During era Aeschlimann, and well before the Muslim community asnièroise was headed by Abdel Kader ACHEBOUCHE that Frederick Charpier present page 283, as close to the UOIF and the Muslim Brotherhood ( wing religious and political advocating a return to original Islam).

Concerning the financial aspects for the removal and use of private funds to build places of worship, Nicolas Sarkozy is still creating March 21, 2005 the Public Foundation for the Works of the Islam, the financial arm of the CFCM and all its sub-structures.

Now that we have reviewed and given the national context of what was happening within the Muslim community in Asnieres, it is interesting to observe an "anomaly " significant:
while Nicolas Sarkozy supports FNMF at national level in the CFCM has it installed, Manuel Aeschlimann maintains at Asnieres ...... the best relations with the world leaders of the UOIF , particularly in his famous C ouncil foreign communities and religious - confusion that reflects indeed the author of this institution.!

In summary, while the whole of France, Nicolas Sarkozy works for FNMF stranglehold on all the mosques in the country at Asnieres displayed openly as Manuel Aeschlimann an elected UMP close UOIF, organization officially opposed by his friend became President of the Republic in May 2007.

We therefore arrive in January 2011 an association called " Najma " tackles so suddenly, after years silence, the leaders of the mosque UOIF Asnières taking as a target of alleged embezzlement of private funds and slow manifest building the mosque including Nicolas Sarkozy came in October 2004 laid the first stone in doing everything for the CFCM could seize ACEA-association that brought together Muslim community asnièroise ( presence at the ceremony, next to Nicolas Sarkozy, and ostentatiously, Dalil Boubaker and leaders of FNMF ).

The association Najma " is headed-what a coincidence! - known by a municipal employee, very close to the UMP trend Aeschlimann, Ech Chetouani Zuhair, a French citizen of Moroccan origin and watched by supporters of a militant UOIF FNMF (held, as noted above, the Moroccan monarchy).

From all this it is so obvious: through association Najma ", directed and animated by the friend of Manuel Aeschlimann, described as a militant UOIF of FNMF-can we deduce what being an operation to change the direction of the Muslim community of Asnieres, the benefit of FNMF therefore, an organization that has received the President's knighthood?

doing, as if by a happy coincidence, the traces are close relations between Manuel Aeschlimann and UOIF on Asnieres could be erased, or at least much diminished .. ..

conclude on information included in the new first edition of the book of Frederick Charpier, page 285:

is Well, according to the journalist very informed of " close " Abdel Kader ACHEBOUCHE the interlocutor UOIF Manuel Aeschlimann for years for the Muslim community Current and accused by the association Najma "possible misappropriation of the faithful, q ui have printed at their expense - with what money coming from where ? - the 10,000 copies of the book " the shade of the Qur'an ', all in Lebanon in 1988.

The same author speaks of Abdel Kader ACHEBOUCHE as the instigator of publishing this book, which is pretty violent in form and substance against anyone perceived by its author as non-Muslim.

Here is an old friend of UMP very interesting and ex-mayor of Asnières, Manuel Aeschlimann, even if the member and former mayor we had not recounted his life and literary activities as editorial.

And this above all a man suddenly attacked with force and advertising on its moral integrity with respect to financial management of the Muslim community, it by friends of his " old friend ; ' Manuel Aeschlimann, without a single- ONE - voice rises activity open to discuss his arguments in favor of violent Muslim Brotherhood and recalls £ 10,000 found hidden in a cave!

These facts might lead a municipality attentive to civil concord among citizens interested in this matter-suppressed fast-on the origin of funds and the objectives pursued by the editors at their own expense 10,000 books printed in French in Lebanon.

example in the form of a Mission Municipal Information ....

Asnières A New Citizen, we are concerned with logical
" why the association" Najma "who wants to charge Mr. ACHEBOUCHE UOIF and all the ills of the mosque construction delay does not she, to win its case- history of the 10,000 books and discovered the source of funds used for this purpose?

This would still not protect ancient but excellent relationship between Manuel Aeschlimann, UMP, and the leaders of the UOIF asnièrois who edited the aforementioned book ?

Who would believe such an assumption in this context?

We would like to know what Sébastien Pietrasanta think of it, he and his elected majority can decide together to try and tell the truth to the people of the town on his dark stories.

NOTE: for those who want to learn some useful links to update, but that can be included:

Marylise Dipusu

Chapter 404 of the Chronicles of asnièroises after 16 March 2008


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