Saturday, January 29, 2011

Serve In Army What At Retirement

Asnieres sur Seine: rumors in town hall and the odd lawyer Africa

iconography Our first day will feature the rumors that are born and thrive mayor when the mayor and his deputies are not any light on the allegations, leaving the ground for the most disturbing noises and suspicious.

Then, following the conversion of Manuel Aeschlimann lawyer in the very special clients in Africa and giving its opinion on the OUTSIDE sovereign African state governments, we highlight two books that oppose : one is "The Diary of a colonialist, "Manuel Aeschlimann had to make his favorite book when you read his statements full of neo-colonial condescension on specific African personality, the other more than our taste, the book is the great writer and poet Aimé Césaire who deals "discourse on colonialism.

It is strange that this beautiful text tends to make us look exactly the words and attitudes of Manuel Aeschlimaann in Africa as that of a servant of foreign peoples in Africa, economic and financial interests very specific, that smell correct a tendency to constant interference in the internal affairs of African people.

Manuel Aeschlimann, Call convicted for the crime of favoritism, should be careful, however: in Africa, the tendency is to revolts and revolutions, from Tunisia to Egypt, Algeria, Yemen . In West Africa, the current process could quickly develop speech and acts hostile to the "French networks" and their representatives ..... The struggle of African peoples against foreign interference is therefore neo-colonial complete.


The rumors that the town hall of Asnières: agents have contracted the tuberculosis bacillus, truth or lie?

past few days, sources within the Town Hall of Asnières circulate on all sides of emails and information-peddling at this stage who are still mere unproven rumors - the existence of cases of tuberculosis on some municipal officials of our town.

According to these statements, including at least two sources have been identified by the correspondents of our blog as a citizen relatives of Manuel Aeschlimann, the meeting of Health and Safety Committee of the Town Hall would have been sought (unsuccessfully, as these statements ) and general supervision of municipal staff have also been asked by the mayor (no response, according to these sources also).

Also, anxiety, self, goes over the lack of clear communication of the facts alleged.

Let Indeed, screening, some of which were positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis have been made and then leaders of the town hall are at fault for not extending the screening process to all agents on behalf of the precautionary principle,

Either this is an operation of disinformation by friends of the former mayor, accusing him of wanting to harm the current municipality false ....

Given these two assumptions, which is one of public health, the other handling unworthy, we suggest Mayor, Sébastien Pietrasanta, who knows nothing about the methods dear to the former mayor sentenced for the crime of Appeal in favoritism January 21, 2011, to shed light on the allegations disclosed.

Such public position is in any case the best response to the two alternatives presented:

if this is true, it is essential play full transparency and protect the health of all city officials to implement the relevant health regulations,
if this is false, tell all the people and officials concerned that this is a malicious rumor in the public interest in reassuring the citizenry and personal facts.

Again and again, what should guide the position of mayor and elected officials must be the only public interest.

Faced with the practices of Friends of Manuel Aeschlimann including our recent articles showed the twisted realities and manifest cynicism, it is essential that the municipality resulting from the popular vote March 16, 2008 is constantly at the forefront of transparency and public speech as sincere as true.


The CFDT union municipal staff confirms the truth of Asnieres the problem of tuberculosis. According to the union, reported 5 cases of tuberculosis were found among municipal employees. The council has begun to respond, albeit belatedly so far: it convenes the Health and Safety Committee municipal staff February 2, 2011.

It seems that the information disseminated by the CFDT and our blog have allowed elected officials and the Director General Services of the Town Hall are suddenly the true extent of problems.
We fully support the legitimate demand for public health, municipal officials and residents of Asnieres, the CFDT union that requires immediate screening of all municipal staff.

We add that we ask in addition that the infected workers are supported in the frame, or a related disease demonstrated their professional employment or, failing that, by accident, with maintenance of treatment since this infection has developed on the workplace and the employer, the mayor has responded to this serious infection very late.

We wish a speedy recovery with an effective treatment for patients and staff extend our solidarity to their families in a state of moral shock.


The criminal conviction of Manuel Aeschlimann circulating in the African press!

African media are beginning to reshape a more objective, consistent with known facts, Manuel Aeschlimann, lawyer and member of the UMP, which intends to interfere, in a style somewhat neo-colonial in the internal affairs of African people.

The distance between the lawyer and the Elysée seems to have been built by independent African media (... .. interests of the famous French " Françafrique "), but this marks the most Call is his conviction on charges of favoritism now circulating in the media free of several African countries.

Clearly, disclosure of such information seriously hampers Manuel Aeschlimann pathetic attempts to give a misrepresented on the African continent .

who heard him play with competent counsel eventually appear as an avatar annealing former members of the networks' France's African , which have always marked a neo-colonial hated African people, and rightly so.

importantly, this dissemination of public information from the French Justice reveals a hidden side, a dark side that the lawyer and UMP was trying to hide from its customers and African relations.

Recognizing the importance of this subject ( has attempted conversion in Africa chased a former mayor and attested by the Justice France), we also implemented a " ; Committee Manuel Aeschlimann in Africa to diffuse to the African media the real facts, real, public, on the real Manuel Aeschlimann.

It is important to protect the peoples of Africa and lies practices Manuel Aeschlimann, make them aware of his past betrayals and Asnières made dirty tricks, so that the truth about this public man is widely known as it is now at Asnieres.

Already, links are forged with blogs, news sites and African journalists, too, want the truth and are in search of the best sources on the past rather unappealing Manuel Aeschlimann .

And the memory of the Internet is incredibly effective here .....

Marylise Dipusu

Chapter 406 of the Chronicles of asnièroises after March 16, 2008


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