Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What Happens If I Take Expired Protein

Asnieres sur Seine: the empire of leaks and egos without meaning

iconography Our first day will feature some of the big lie (s) elected (es) who do not realize they are doing and shot in the foot when it is not a weapon of mass destruction of their mayor and / or cantonal election candidate. And if in addition, they imagined the inhabitants of Asnières poor audio recording devices, they may soon measure the depth of their mistake.

Then we will focus on "small leaks " with friends and City Hall. Oh, do not worry, these "leaks " harmless, natural, healthy and useful for the future. The "leakage " friends in city hall are miracles to be commended and admired. Citizens can also use them to their advantage.

's all the good we wish them by publishing the information you will find EXCLUSIVE on Asnieres News Citizen ...


Private funds for the mosque alleged diversion: the denunciations multiply .....

Manuel Aeschlimann had thought that sending his friend and longtime supporter Zouhaïr Ech Chetouani an assault on the direction of ACEA and Al Hidayah Al Islamiyah was a great idea, worthy of his formidable talent as a strategist awaiting final sentencing.

Las , the operation launched just turned strongly against its distinguished originator hidden in the background. Not only members of the Muslim community Asnières dislike the former mayor, but in addition, here is the charming rebel envoy of missi dominici member's suspension.

While in the community Muslim Asnières, tempers flare on the situation in Tunisia and against government positions, so the UMP, so Manuel Aeschlimann on the events in this country, ballet maddening of all denunciations direction has begun.

It is supplemented by an array of nasty rumors that evoke strong, pell-mell of questionable public subsidies, more diverted from their purpose by people with no final " religious scruple" links cons kind between political and religious leaders, each seeking to manipulate the other, attacks on the privacy of each other, or worse.

short, in popular parlance, we call such an explosive situation ..... " bear garden"!

In this context, the prosecutor Nanterre, according to corroborating sources, was the recipient of letters written by well-informed well-intentioned people into possible financial crimes that have occurred since late 2004 until 'in 2008, even for a person targeted to aujourd'hui, ceci via une accusation de détournement de fonds publics issus des fonds parlementaires versés par le député Manuel Aeschlimann. 

C'est dire si l'ambiance autour de la future mosquée d'Asnières est saine, fraternelle et pacifique.....

En résumé, l'offensive de l'association «  Najma  », qui a surgi en pleine crise ou révolution en Tunisie, comme chacun voudra l'appeler, a provoqué une situation qui échappe maintenant à ses protagonistes.

La word of conclusion on this matter at this stage, will be given to one of our readers, honest citizen Muslims, very angry at the situation develops (we changed a few words too "hard " to render his testimony publishable, with the agreement of our dear reader):

" View Ech Chetouani the Bentebra the Pourbagher get to talk honesty and integrity, playing virtuous vigilante after Judicial Affairs and pans from their common pattern makes you want to spit in their face.

Our religion must not be an issue of fighting between politicians. The dignitaries of the mosque should be the guarantors of the independence instead of being discarded, as the Maghreb, the political struggles that distort our faith and hurt all Muslims by dividing instead of uniting them around the teachings of prophet.

It is true that in Morocco, the king is also a religious leader, but all Muslims are not Asnières of Moroccan origin, much less subject to a monarch as our religion teaches us not only accountable God.

This has been happening for years around the mosque Asnières is pathetic and a shame for believing sincere and honest, was allowed to mix things divine and the horrors of politics. The disastrous result for all Muslims is there. "

CCQ-Bac Bécon Flachat: very big lies that will fall on the elected liars, Mayor and the candidate PS

If you like very big lies, species from those sardine blocker alone port of Marseille, it is imperative that you read this surreal account written by a hand did not dare sign his name!

For the record, actual facts which the people present were direct witnesses, are stated by an audio recording device and credible witnesses.

At the public meeting on parking, the report of the mayor and the project of a badge of stupidity extension of parking charges which arose had been overwhelmingly rejected .

Regarding " nuisance, it is noted that this issue at the time boring for mayor, had not provoked meeting of the Ad Hoc! Everyone will appreciate the priorities of the CCQ .....

It will also be recalled that the Mayor had buried the report and the draft rejected by people, who according to the anonymous author would APPLY ..... in spring, after the cantonal elections!

The text, inscribed point 2 of the minutes of the CCQ indicated above, is a model of blatant lie, revolting cynicism, manipulation and sordid disregard residents.

Moreover, s i the mayor does not remove these shameful lies IMMEDIATELY we will gladly publish audio PV-so-REAL debates, which ridiculed forever elected officials (es) liars who dared endorse this document on behalf City Hall while ruining their credibility elected (es).

By the way, it will also indicated that Ms. Patricia Chavinier, UMP general counsel, was also present and also witness!

So this is the masterpiece of outright lies to try

" 2 - Update on work commissions

No committee meeting has been held since the summer.

The Nuisance Committee has not met, the folders where she works as subjects during short ( sic !!!), involving many partners outside the town hall.

The Committee met Animation for the last time before summer.
The Parking Committee is awaiting the second phase of the project on parking charges.

Mr. Desfontaines note some better in some parts of the district for hiring additional officers verbalization. ( asked for an explanation of this incomprehensible-Ed)

Ms. Carrier said the quality of the study which had been provided by the QCC-technical services (this sentence deserves the cake of lies egotistical fool! - Ed)

She welcomes this development project paid parking has been well received by people who claim that it is even extended ( the elected won by big pompom of lying, abusive and contrary to the records from Public Meeting on the subject-Ed)

Thus, residents of the avenue Flachat have requested that their way is concerned, whereas the original draft did not provide. Technical services are currently working street by street on the project. L has put in place in Spring . "

Our elected board of the municipality if you believe a word of those minutes, ready to spring into trouble and get the boomerang these rantings as unworthy indecent. The truth may sound really hurt ...... elected officials liars.

As Luc Bérard Malava, PS candidate for election to the cantonal sectors, it is strongly advised to disavow these lies staggering whether to keep a shred of public credibility.

If the mayor wants to help his friend in his campaign cantonal this really an ad that is likely to ruin the chances of the candidate friend.

I the urge to remove this ad so negative Friend's candidate for mayor before the information and spread the lies that are audible to all.

If its application is associated with an additional financial burden on the voters of the township without any increase in the number of parking spaces available, it may well not even pass the bar the first round ......


By January 31, 2011 with Sébastien Pietrasanta .... and Luc Bérard Malava: stories of friends Town Hall and "leaks miraculous "

A miracle occurred at Asnieres. We need to share with the people with respect and dignity.

The " leaks" were held in town hall on the issue of noise generated by the school and the stadium Simone Veil Magenta as they result from the disastrous management and contempt toward the residents of the spouses Aeschlimann.

According to sources close to the civic record, the " leaks" of information, which took the form of concrete passages Report VERITAS have been confirmed, individuals believed that these "leaks "come from the entourage of Luc Bérard Malava-elected or PS are close to it.

A citizen believes it, that these " document output" would be the result of hard work and industrious members of the mayor's office, which like so promote an early resolution of the stadium record at Magenta political benefit of their employer.

Whatever the source of the miracle, what matters is the miracle itself!

According to "Visible " the miracle asnièrois not yet approved, the findings are Expert Report VERITAS fully confirms the complete legitimacy of claims of local residents angry and justify fully their hardware requirements.

This miracle comes at a sensible because it allows residents to prepare in the most reliable information to their interview with Sébastien Pietrasanta and Luc Bérard Malava January 31, 2011 at 9:30 am.

For once, a miracle comes to the rescue of citizens, we can not develop it and hope that it continues and continues .....

Bohbot: the free and independent candidate presented by so many political factions displayed very

Bohbot Ralph continues to make people laugh out loud at Asnieres.

His latest find amusing is indeed a high comic effect: it occurs at the same time as a candidate "free and independent " presented by a multitude of political factions! !

short, with this candidate, laughter is present, since the person quoted is both water and fire, the size of the ox and the small size of the frog and the crow's cheese the cunning of the fox, a sentence, everything and its opposite .

Fortunately, in reality, Ralph Bohbot is and remains Bohbot Ralph, a man who loves you very much, almost passionately, but remains a master of ridicule.

Marylise Dipusu

asnièroises Chronicles Chapter 399 from March 16, 2008


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