Quand je ne suis pas l'élève pilote du dimanche matin, je suis juste un élève moyen de 1°S ... La 1°, comme ne cessent de nous le dire nos profs, c'est le choix de nos orientations pour l'avenir, la suite que l'on va donner à notre carrière professionnelle, et tout cela annonce le début de la course aux salons de métiers ou aux salons de formations.
Je pense ne rien vous apprendre en vous confiant que je vise une carrière dans l'aviation commerciale, as a future airline pilot, for example ... but whatever happens, it is first and foremost a passion, and in this context, it is always interesting to meet other enthusiasts who had the idea to get laid before I came along in the world! That's why crossing the tower are always so great. (Eg, the lighthouse of Rouen, by Vincent B.)
Knowing I'm not the only high school in the aviation world, here are the next two, which I had thanks to some new contacts:
- Saturday 29 and Sunday, January 30 2011, the Aero Club of Versailles, Saint-Cyr Aerodrome-l'Ecole LFPZ:
you can meet professionals (civil or military), allowing young people to talk directly with pilots, engineers, maintenance specialists, controllers, etc. ... Sunday will be more present in the CFA trades the air. Free admission.
- From Friday 4 to Sunday, February 6, 2011, the Museum of Air and Space, 19 ° and Fair Trades Training Aircraft:
your tickets then, for the two weekends ahead will be busy aeronautically! Appointment on January 30 at Saint-Cyr, and Feb. 6 at Le Bourget where j''espère So see you there to exchange a few words, at worst. Besides, my camera batteries are fully charged they all? ;-D
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