Monday, February 28, 2011

Highlighting Very Short Hair

13,500 cameras in Paris by the summer of 2012

The Video surveillance is to protect the honest citizen? " People who have done nothing wrong have nothing to fear from the video surveillance?"

OK in this case, Mr. Mayor, therefore put the consultation of these cameras available for all , online, on a website resembling that of Webcam Grand Place in Brussels or webcams Tower TF1.

Like this, every citizen may, in his spare time, watching the street, his neighbor, the red lights grilled by members of the government or the corridors of the subway.

After all, this very simple measure of transparency will only push to its logical conclusion the idea of loft generalized, non?

should also ensure that citizens have the right to vote on the establishment of additional cameras in case of hole coverage. If you are in a logic of video surveillance, no location should be able to escape, right?
This could put a camera at the Regional Council to understand how it is that Jean-Paul Huchon, a Socialist (so progressive, it seems) adopt the Pass Navigo RFiD while the CNIL gave a negative opinion.

That said, Mr Delanoe, note nevertheless that the fight against crime, there may not need video surveillance, it suffices to apply the law. It is forbidden to express racist, corrupt, to influence peddling, to vote the dead, etc.. We can also avoid spending arrangements of scullery with RPR. So from the time when sanctions are imposed justice, enforce them, including the politicians of the UMP as well as the PS, you'll see, it will also lower crime!

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Asnieres sur Seine: Spouses Aeschimann disowned by the Elysée and Brice Hortefeux

Our iconography of the day will be compared with natural influences on business asnièroises national politics.

Our first picture shows the Elysee Palace that the tenant had take emergency action lasts for an old friend and no one understands the necessity of this decision NATIONAL quite unexpected.

The second shows the face, Auvergne, former Minister of Interior we decrypt the real judicial reasons that led to his departure from the Place Beauvau.


Nicolas Sarkozy publicly disavow the spouses Aeschlimann Insecurity and thank Hortefeux: deciphering the facts and rational explanations

This is not a scoop, but a confirmation logic: Brice Hortefeux, Minister of Interior, was sacked by his friend, Nicolas Sarkozy, President of the Republic, official media said National o p his lack of results against crime and because of his legal troubles.

Citizens Asnières see also in this national event influences ..... more local!

For in repudiating the poor results Safety Brice Hortefeux Nicolas Sarkozy disavowed at the same time for months and months of campaign lies of the husband Aeschlimann their favorite subject in passing by destroying their argument so often trotted out that the mayor of the town was the only fault, the only responsible and the prime culprit of insecurity at Asnieres.

We have often criticized here, bluntly when it corresponded to the public interest, the actions and inactions of Sébastien Pietrasanta, always starting from the known facts and specifying all of its responsibilities as elected to the town.

We've always remembered that, with regard to violence and delinquency in Asnieres, the competent authorities in charge of these issues were the departments of Interior, so the state and not a mayor.

We note with satisfaction that Nicolas Sarkozy himself acknowledged this truth by punishing Hortefeux as Interior Minister, and therefore that in so doing, it completely contradicts firmly and publicly rant Aeschlimann spouses.

But their common repudiation does not stop there.

It also appears that Hortefeux was in real danger NEW judiciary because of past acts of the spouses Aeschlimann at the head of the Town Hall of Asnières.

Indeed, we are at this reshuffle, to 10 days of the trial on three procurement suspected of being dishonest , trial commencing on 10 March 2011 before the 15th House Correctional TGI Nanterre chaired by Judge Isabelle Prevost-Desprez.

Recall that in one of 3 files that will be examined and judged, with the defendants known to Asnieres, Mr Bernard Loth (said Mr 40,000 stamps) and Manuel Aeschlimann, the name of Brice Hortefeux Clearly, this for a meal paid by the Future Group, but unknown to the Minister thanked.

Hortefeux Knowing that had previously been convicted two times of Justice, it is clear that the Elysee wanted avoid another court case comes weaken and further discredit the former Interior Minister, again in a national situation very bad for the President, his policy and his party.

Indeed, nothing prevents Justice or the City plaintiff to testify Hortefeux on this famous meal settled by AVENANCE.

Similarly, nothing can prevent, logically, the evidence needed to ascertain the truth of Marie-Dominique Aeschlimann Justice in the luxury dinner that marked, the Eiffel Tower, the 40th anniversary of her husband, whose addition was also settled by .... AVENANCE, all with conflicting testimony about the identity of the guests.

This meal was held at the premises of the luxurious restaurant "Jules Verne" October 22, 2004.

Avenir It will also explain why this group paid additions instead of the guests at these two meals while Manuel Aeschlimann should explain why he has not paid himself both however, very expensive meals.

According to our sources, the Elysee realized quite late that Manuel Aeschlimann did not like boredom court that the record of the international festival, but others of which could greatly embarrass a man who was still here 48 hours a " heavyweight" of the government.

There was fire in the house judiciary government, and this because the spouses Aeschlimann!

It is therefore not assume that Nicolas Sarkozy likes the situation and he is grateful to its rightful authors.

It has indeed been a disaster to change position his old friend Brice Hortefeux being obliged to justify it by bad results on a central theme of the UMP presidential and communication.

It is obvious that this case is not likely to please the President of the Republic, no more than the UMP Jean-Francois Cope.

It is rumored that even Rama Yade is quite happy with the disclaimers that afflict the husband Aeschlimann, at least as much as Sébastien Pietrasanta Although different grounds.

No doubt that many, including the aforementioned and the Elysee, will follow with attention the hearings on 10 and 11 March 2011 before the 15th Criminal Chamber of the TGI of Nanterre and nobody wants to save the Manuel Aeschlimann soldier now .....

Marylise Dipusu

Chapter 420 of the Chronicles of asnièroises after March 16, 2008

Does Vsp Cover Costco

"New" Government

Michele Alliot-Marie, ended up resigning, not following a criminal conviction, but because it became really impossible she represented France abroad . This is the conclusion reached was the President of the Republic since he had represented France Christine Lagarde (economy) and Laurent Wauquiez (European Affairs) last week in Tunisia. (Source: )

He nonetheless true that we can show, beyond partisan labels, puzzled by the government's overall pedigree Fillon IV.

were fans private jet ( Francois Fillon ) the occupants of public housing ILM despite salaries of minister ( Georges Tron without complex), the habitual criminal (Alain Juppe ), those guilty of double talk anti hedge funds ( Laurent Wauquiez ), The Friends Muammar Gaddafi ( Patrick Ollier, RFi source) and the newcomers who may have to face justice before the French or the disproportionate passion Philatelic ( George Longuet, always contested, never convicted in court!). What about strongest in math, commissioned to go negotiate hectares of fallow in Brussels?

B. The Mayor, how many meters is one hectare?
sent by riki . - More videos from bloggers.

What are they trying to prove? How can we become the chief of staff by having a criminal record while it is impossible to pass any assistance from the public if it has been condemned by the justice of our country?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I Am Producingtoo Much Blood

Germany European destination number 2

The European tourists prefer Spain and Germany to France!

Germany is at the peak of its popularity with foreign tourists. In 2010, the number of nights paid by them crossed the "historic milestone" of 60 million, announced the National German Tourism (DZT) Tuesday in Frankfurt am Main, citing figures released by the Federal Statistical Office. Germany becomes the second favorite destination for European tourists behind Spain, ahead of even France and Italy.

In 2010, the number of nights booked by foreign tourists has increased by 10% over the previous year, said the DZT. This increase has benefited mainly large cities, which is partly explained by the recovery in business travel after the economic crisis. The biggest increase was seen in Swiss tourists (+ 8.6%), with 4.2 million overnight stays, they come now in second place behind the Netherlands.

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Sunday's closed

A Sunday (relatively) good weather, end of vacation for the Area C Paris-Creteil-Versailles what idea of wanting to tinker at home?

There is a majority of legislators actually against Sunday work.

the right, the UMP History Channel Christine Boutin, forcing family values, we are told Sunday work weakens the family ( source: Le Figaro ).
left, the NPA POC through anti Liberals of all kinds, theorists work tripalium , we are told employees work on Sunday under duress . ( source: Liberation ).

As in Paris, was an objective alliance between the ultra-statist left and the most conservative UMP, Parisians can enjoy either the Casto Place Clichy or the Champs Monop or BHV.

So, it is necessary to cross the famous toll barriers périf doors to venture Far West, on the side of the Hauts de Seine.

Hey, it's open on Sundays. What goes down does it? Employees operated on? On customers cut off from their family? In a world moving between Germinal and the attack on the diligence of Lucky Luke?

Actually no. On one side, kids happy to go out with their parents. Picture not rigged.

the other, workers, youth, may be single, at least happy to go to work, and who probably do not have to choose long time between having to go earn money or go tow markets for the NPA or Communist Party Christian Democrat.
achieved without special effects as well.

A Paris City Hall to see if she wants to recreate the activity in Paris, or whether his model is really downtonisation the center, the U.S. ; with all tax consequences that may have (see the City of Brussels).

So, dear legislators, go ahead. The work, not just on Sundays but all the time, release it!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

How Do You Do Level 46 Bloons Ipod

For whom to vote in cantonal Ile de France 2011?

No cantonal in Paris! Parisians are still justify the fact that what happens beyond the périf is really another world ;-)

So suburban friends, if there is no Liberal candidate for New Alternative Center in your district, vote for whom?

- Antony-Bourg la Reine: made dam Patrick Devedjian, President of the General Council and Minister in charge of the recovery plan additional debt and rate of Gaetan Lambilly without label
- Aubervilliers Is: Claire Vigeant, leader of a firm of Consulting and Training, Modem
Centrist Alliance - Boulogne Northwest : Thierry Solère , UMP
- Chaville, Marnes-la-Coquette , Ville d'Avray and Vaucresson : Sala Emmanuel , entrepreneur, head of liberal circles
- Chatillon : Jean-Paul Boulet , Deputy Mayor , New Center, deputy mayor
- Courbevoie South Villedey Florence, director of a business school, various rights
- Colombes North : Denis Butaye , Miscellaneous Right
- Conflans Sainte Honorine: Jean-Florent Campion , NC, Councillor
- Créteil: Farid Chibout, logistician, PLD
Centrist Alliance - Drancy: impossible to find a draft program on the site of UMP . Abstention.
- Issy-East : Okan Germiyan young dynamic parliamentary assistant, Modem / Federalist Party
- Levallois South : Arnaud de Courson , Associate Director, Right
Independent - Meudon : Hervé Marseille , New
Center - West Montreuil (93): not one centrist candidate, 4 left, 0 right. Abstain!
- Neuilly-North Jean-Christophe Fromantin , mayor, businessman, marathon runner, unlabeled
- Pierrefitte : Pascal Kouppé , Centrist Alliance
- Pleasure: Bruno Tabary , Centrist Alliance
- South Poissy: Michel Dupart
- Puteaux: Christophe Grebert, Modem blogger
- Saint Germain en Laye South Catherine Péricard , UMP
- Seals: Laurent Philippe , Mayor of Sceaux, former President of the UDF - 92
- Senlis: Nathalie Lebas New Center
- Vanves: Bernard Gaducheau , New Center, Mayor
- Versailles South Flavien Bazenet , Modem, professor of strategy & entrepreneurship

All are candidates Implatation that combine local experience interesting and pragmatic solutions, and not come from the ideological street Solferino or rue de la Boétie (hence, in passing the presence of UMP candidate for valid near the ground and less likely than others to blow up the local taxes). Good luck to them!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pneumonia In Bulldogs

Boeing - EADS relapse liberal anti U.S.?

"Funny" concomitant of dates: the day the United States of America expedient for the last time a space shuttle in space, they also announced that Boeing won the famous contract of the 179 Tanker Aircraft Pentagon.

Which of the two planes, the 767 or the modified A330 military is really the best? Specialists from the army and armaments such as Jean-Dominique Merchet (blog defense secrets), Opex 360 , Tim Larribau (blog MOTHY ) or T heatrum Belli will be able to answer. But What is certain is that EADS had offered an 100% American: joint venture with Northrop Grumman plant in the U.S.. From these tanks, the Europeans would have received as dividends and the distribution of development costs over a greater range than the natural market allows EADS, but neither the jobs nor the technical mastery.

What conclusion? Three things.
  • The U.S. seems to be short term choices : instead of strengthening their partnership with Europe, the only democratic and liberal country in a world increasingly Chinese, they prefer the false nationalist symbols and a few more jobs (50,000 promised by Boeing cons 48 000 (USA!) in the project EADS)
  • Europe is therefore warned: military equipment, even sold by private firms seeking theoretically profit, and bought by governments, theoretically to find the best price, is the sovereign. Europe must merge into a single, integrated federal military forces and equip its 27 hardware made in Europe, whatsoever, in particular air, Rafale, Saab Gripen or Eurofighter, provided it be factories Hamburg, or Seville Chaulnes running. Incidentally, welcome the reform initiated by Herve Morin with respect to equipment purchases by the DGA.
  • The same choices of short-term, highly constrained by the fiscal crisis and the explosion of debt, pushing the U.S. and Europe to allow space for the Chinese, which could prove to be a major strategic error. While we are fighting for 2,000 jobs, the Chinese prepare for the reconquest of the moon and its minerals. Our jobs are important, clearly seen in our own choices, in French, that make us overlook the destination of the weapons we sell in North Africa or the Middle East. but do not give reason to the communist said that capitalists would eventually sell us the rope with which they will hang us .

Dizziness And Left Arm Numbness

Asnieres sur Seine: April 21, 2002 to a local in March 2011?

Our iconography of the day relates to a case more likely in the upcoming elections for the township north of Asnieres March 2011 asnièroise a re-election shock 21 April 2002.

First, the first picture of the results of an exit survey of some 4,000 polling stations considered representative of the national vote April 21, 2002

Then the cover of a book-cons investigation on the roots, the origins of this significant political event. It would be nice if some are interested in Asnieres causes of this vote in 2002 because, at Asnieres, the thing is likely, very likely, to renew .....


Elections, and What

The election date of March 2011 for the township north of the common approach and it turns out that 10 candidates occur in total for a single chair, which, as summarized, a philosopher, a resident, will at least 9 ..... disappointed.

At that time, sulfur loyal support of the Iranian dictatorship, as he proved in January 2005 Town Hall of Asnières and television State of the theocratic autocracy fierce in the same year Francis Pourbagher, was not a candidate. The ads were not followed by action to this old pillar of Aeschlimann. This is better for this man without real scope!

While this little world held forth and shakes the world is in upheaval and historical events of global importance take place.

At Asnieres, blogs and sites seem the vast majority do not see these changes, which local politicians would try to draw some lessons in the absence of realistic lessons. This collective blindness is almost curious ....

Meanwhile, it is true that small betrayals and manipulations continue at high speed:

  • town hall takes residents and elected for simpletons incapable of seeing and include removing billboards free, semi-official pretext to renovations. If this pattern was sincere, why not replace the same municipality does not have these signs at other locations in the neighborhoods? What a wise, good and true subject matter to which the lack of response says it all!

  • Meanwhile, Rama Yade made his public promotion on television, radio, on websites, in short all over the country. And let the media always talk about ambitions, less disguised, for the parliamentary seat of Manuel Aeschlimann, without saying anything more. A defeat of the UMP asnièroise in March 2011 did not harm his ambitions are not displayed, but known.

  • Left, the Left Front is trying to carve some cruppers POC asnièrois. It is true that the news of the revolutions in the Arab world to push forward and develops its official positions. Only threat to the consolidation of the PCF and the Left Party: will be there again the best cuckold permanent seats for some PS rewarding its subservience to the party of the Rue de Solferino in Paris or keep-t he independence of action? This response through the cantonal elections, including at Asnieres, will depend on its national credibility in 2012. Being a new appendix of the PS or not, this is the Left Front for the question which his future depends?

  • The National Front, he, phagocyte by whole mouthfuls troops emaciated and disoriented from the UMP, but it is also clear that the mistakes and scandals plaguing the party government with its policy of more antisocial and national debates foolish contribute much to this result shows voting Asnières may prove this theory accepted by many!

  • For candidates from the system Aeschlimann, there are now two kinds those who dream of a future already past (Mohamed Zuhair and Bentebra Chetouani Ech) e t who is invested by the largest party rejected France, UMP, Thierry Le Gac.

  • We will not forget the other candidates, ecologist, PRG and other right, which in this context, can only compete to prove they still have own an electorate in North Canton, but without changing anything in the outline of current events, either locally or nationally.
This is the current provision summarized parts of the political spectrum asnièrois, within 3 weeks of the new legal troubles Manuel Aeschlimann, this time with Bernard Loth .....

Meanwhile, the examples of revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Jordan, Sudan, Bahrain, and expanding in Morocco, more interested in the population (and European).

As recalled with a number of specific evidence in a broadcast on ARTE proletarianization of the middle classes across Europe February 22, 2011, the population in France and Europe suffers from a real material loss, therefore a growing concern for the morrow.

short, the population in its vast majority, with attentively watching the turmoil in the Arab-African and appreciates good news and as a possible solution to its problems.

As for cantonal elections in France and Asnières ......

In this context, although our many candidates did not speak or unwilling to discuss the possibility of a ghost haunting their nights: that a poll in a small April 21 2002 asnièrois or remain in contention for the second round only two candidates, the PS-more likely-or UMP, and ...... the National Front.

The plethora of candidates from all sides, attached to the new electoral provisions necessary and voted by UMP , may well indeed be placed, if not in mind, at least not far away, the candidate asnièrois certainly little known as such, the party of Ms. Marine Le Pen.

Especially since it is not impossible that President of this party to come take a look at Asnieres, question of stopping the electorate more UMP helpless, impoverished and distressed by the so-called "reforms " government supported by Manuel Aeschlimann.

He even whisper-that-according to our sources reading our article yesterday on friendships parliamentary deputy Manuel Aeschlimann by officials of the National Front would encourage them to ask their President's arrival on our common to carry the iron which exploded against a UMP secretary constituency MP and has been twice convicted by Justice (although it has announced its appeal to the Supreme Court) , while his friendly relations with dictatorial regimes is made public since the visit of the royal family of Bahrain and the receipt of 21 January 2005 from the Ambassador of the theocratic dictatorship Iran.

short, a visit to Madame Le Pen voters could give more publicity national media past and present of the UMP Manuel Aeschlimann and its political affinities as CIHM ,

It is obvious that the survival of Manuel Aeschlimann, with all his court cases and links annoying, over the past Iranian-Bahraini, makes it a prime target for advertisers of the National Front, let alone the Community Council. Manuel Aeschlimann is positioned of himself as a symbol of what the UMP has the worst, therefore emblematic case to put forward widely to the theses of Ms. Le Pen's party ......

It is true that the other candidates, themselves, do not rush this information to make a strong argument of the campaign, particularly in relation to republican principles, they claim to democratic and secular defend and promote.

Thus, the fact of growing social downgrading of whole sections of the population since 2007 because of scandals and revelations permanent Practices of the UMP, covering over a policy of social misery and economic disaster for the people, Asnieres, an April 21, 2002 is really possible in our county, in March 2011, the township north.

With all its cascading consequences for those who have created all the material, social, psychological, moral and political!

If this were the case, would still Asnières headlines media and we would then see if the officials of all sides of this situation will or will not draw the necessary lessons.

Marylise Dipusu

Chapter 419 of the Chronicles of asnièroises after March 16, 2008

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Vaio Web Cam Not Detected

Bravo Michael!

"I never claimed to come with their hands full. I do not understand the role of the state as a distributor of the things we did not ... Yet public money, it does not exist: it must be taken somewhere. .

Signed Michel Mercier, Minister of Justice.

That said, once recalled that evidence, it would still be good for the budget of the Justice be reassessed (see post posting to appear on of November 18, 2010). Given the deficits, ca therefore implies simply removes other expenses.

User Name And License For Imtoo Ipad Mate

Asnieres sur Seine: a small member of Françafrique collapses ......

Our iconography of the day is about our documentary discoveries made on the official website of the National Assembly where we have been seeking parliamentary friendship associations carefully selected by the member suri ineligibility, Manuel Aeschlimann.

What we discovered is instructive for all citizens and elected officials of the town, and across the country.

We have laid bare a troubling fact: Manuel Aeschlimann MP is a member of several parliamentary associations of friendship with foreign countries, one is curious that of France-led-by-Kuwait a PS member, Julien Dray, with whom, according to people associated with this association, Manuel Aeschlimann along very well in this specific context ......

So we 've posted first: a map of Françafrique (n o observe carefully as Manuel Aeschlimann member associations of friendship with all these countries). Then we show a movie poster on the famous Françafrique exciting and coverage of well-researched book on this subject.

We conclude our iconography of the day with an aerial photograph of crowds of protesters in Bahrain who want to hunt up theocratic monarchy, feudalism, including members of the ruling family who has been shot on crowd of guests were in 2003 and 2004 Manuel Aeschlimann town hall of Asnières. As the Iranian regime's ambassador in January 2005!

His past deeds catch up again Manuel Aeschlimann. His former guests of honor will cover a lot of blood since qelques time ....

Manuel Aeschlimann, deputy counsel, "Parliamentary friend" of countries affected by dictatorships, theocracies, but also " friend" of African mineral-rich precious!

Every citizen a little aware of the realities of our country knows that the parliamentary friendship associations with foreign countries are first and foremost arms real public official " lobbies "in charge of promoting the interests in these states major French companies, all covered hypocritical mantle called national interests. "

citizens and voters of Asnieres, including for example, supporters of Jean-Pierre Bemba, voters sometimes-member of the UMP asnièroise although not living in France and even less at Asnieres , and learn Manuel Aeschlimann, lawyer and MP, is a member of numerous parliamentary friendship associations, some of which may surprise them .....

be better understood and therefore a disqualification would be very detrimental to its African operations, particularly since the loss of civil rights implies that Manuel Aeschlimann would no longer entitled to remain legal.

be observed that Manuel Aeschlimann is a "friend Parliamentary " especially in countries affected by bloody dictatorships, repressive theocracies and curiously, it is also the friend countries Africa's most mineral-rich precious .

Presumably these multiple memberships have a common goal essential to integrate into networks of famous and renowned Françafrique opaque, but also the networks involved in the oil rich Arab countries in black gold so expensive nowadays.

Residents who have a good memory will recall that in 2003-2004 Manuel Aeschlimann received at Asnieres members of the royal family of Bahrain, the very same who fired on its people before starting to consider real reforms, those required by the population for its own interests, not those intended by the tyrannical monarchs in place.

It is thus " parliamentary friend," among other states not always advisable, the Saudi Arabian monarchy, the Kingdom of Bahrain, Angola dictatorial Stalinist autocratic regime, the authoritarian Benin, Botswana, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, (all states rich in minerals), Côte d'Ivoire (on the brink of civil war between two clans serving foreign interests opposed) TWO of the Congo, United Arab Emirates (a sultanate theocratic), Gabon (loss of memory), Gambia, Georgia, for two guineas, Kuwait (including the President of the association is ... Julien DRAY .... !!!),

link here for unbelievers who doubt our word citizen:

Mali, the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Uganda, the kingdom of Qatar, Rwanda, Senegal (where is born Ms. RamaYade), and Zambia.

Here are some links that prove very official facts:

We stop here the list because almost all the governments of African countries, with few exceptions for more poor, see Manuel Aeschlimann be a deputy attorney friend.

Informative, no?

A question remains: who heard one day defend Manuel Aeschlimann rights and civic spirit in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Gabon, Côte d'Ivoire, Mauritania, Kuwait, Qatar and Angola, all countries ruled in favor of large enterprises by foreign dictatorships or authoritarian regimes ?

Yes, when that member turned up at the podium of the National Assembly to defend human rights, the rights of peoples to be their only sovereign, their right to freedom, to equality, social justice and democracy?

Not so far (to our knowledge).

Manuel Aeschlimann Everything is here!

With this member in danger of losing his seat and his job as a trainee lawyer at the firm Olivier Schnerb, what appears to be an elected official who tries with the energy of despair d integrate networks opaque Françafrique agonizing under the combined blows, but no concerted American and Chinese companies.

Furthermore, the member at the end of term is also trying to rally the Franco-Arab networks at a time when the Arab policy of France is a succession of disasters, failures, failures, provocations breathtaking, delays on events and sometimes even going against the facts.

Manuel Aeschlimann and going from failure to failure, but his policies Parliamentary Friendship speak volumes about his true outmoded concepts of social life in the XXI century, since the elected appreciates especially medieval theocracies (Recall that before 2005 was a member of the Parliamentary Association of Friendship with Iran !!!), dictatorships, monarchies, sultanates and caliphates and other archaic, authoritarian regimes in Africa.

This little UMP isolated synthesizes a neo-colonial and paternalistic patronage happens in the middle of Arab and African revolutions, so at the precise moment when the colonial past of France is called to die ...

Let us add to illuminate the subject that many African autocrats are or were part of the GLNF (Grande Loge Nationale de France), a Masonic lodge in FRENCH serious crisis, but housing including Manuel Aeschlimann has proclaimed often and long a prominent member.

Thus die Françafrique and Arab networks of major French companies, including mining, such as AREVA was a shift and Manuel Aeschlimann is reduced to watching the programmed death of these networks.

But Rama Yade bet that will be happy to learn that Manuel Aeschlimann, with its court cases, still has time support the power in Senegal, his native country ....

Marylise Dipusu

Chapter 418 of the Chronicles of asnièroises after March 16, 2008

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Basic Confidentiality Clause

Taxis are not mistaken target!

That may seem self-evident taxis from their point of view. After all, they have paid enough price for their license for their business plan is not disrupted by changes in rules of the game The problem is that Paris and Parisians do not receive a fair number of taxis.

Autolib Consider 'and its future cars 3000 Power in the Paris region - the fall of 2011 - as "unfair competition", both clienteles site or the management and river banks as a longer travel time, it looks like the arguments against the Velib few years ago. But the real problem is that the police headquarters, which depend on taxis in Paris has kept the number of plaques in Paris is roughly stable since 1938!

So, taxis, will you accept that there are 2.8 taxis in Paris against 4.7 per 1000 in Berlin, 8.6 in London, 11.1 in New York and even 17 in Stockholm ? Do not even mention the price differences of the races.

Monday, February 21, 2011

When Can I Remove My Earrings

rate of privatization: false liberalism index

It seems that the president of the National Front would even be "delighted" to have "DSK deal to her to" say many things, "including his liberalism.
She told
  • "wherever he went he applied the ultra-liberal policy. Today, ultra-liberalism is the darling of globalization with its attendant relocation, unemployment, social collapse and social regression. "
  • has privatized more than any other minister he privatized our companies. He is especially skilled in the IMF, who, when I speak, is currently applying to Ireland the decline of 12.5% of the minimum wage, lower unemployment benefits and family allowances.
  • The candidate is globalist Strauss-Kahn or Sarkozy, they are completely interchangeable. In terms of Europe, they have made the same choice regarding the euro and the same choices on immigration as well. "
This speech of the girl's dad Saint Cloud is a good opportunity for remember what liberalism: it is above all a rejection of constructivist solutions, monopolies, regimentation and is contrary to the belief in the individual rather than the rule.

the National Front, we watch too much TV and you do not read enough that said Liberal Alternative. Otherwise, we would know that Ireland was a perfect liberal country before refusing to let it sink Irish banks bankrupt. The socialization of debt and privatization of profits is socialism. SMIC, it is not a liberal concept. If Ireland is the lower and that family allowances, because they are at a wrong economic policy, not to please DSK.
You can not confuse causes and consequences. Ireland has grown from a very poor country in the early 80's than in rich countries now, except that the economic crisis passed the 100th and last floor of the skyscraper at 98th. They still remain higher than the remaining 97 floors.

When privatization of DSK, they not only are the return to normal, but in addition they are incomplete. Back to normal because it is not clear why the state should be the one to take care of running trains, manage hospitals or offer telephony services. incomplete because the fact that the state privatize profitable businesses and keep lame ducks on the arms of taxpayers is obviously unfair . Now this type of plan has a name: the plutocracy.

Finally, regarding immigration, we are very far from a liberal state. The concept of clandestine exists only because the state claims the monopoly to say who can come here or not. That makes sense: in a socialist economy (with redistribution), there should be no immigration or consuming imported. The dream of the socialist economy is a France of proletarian workers, all in 35 hours (job sharing), consuming only local (as in East Germany at the time), and Stakhanovite stuck. In liberal, everyone would be free to come and go, but just would not receive any benefits or social housing or assistance of any kind, just the freedom to contract freely with employers with donors, to support each , French or not, to assume its existence in respect of private property of others.
It is therefore clear that indeed, the current regime and DSK are fairly close, but the daddy's girl from Saint Cloud is right behind.

Defending a liberal agenda is to rule in favor of the denationalization of the economy and French society to the promotion of Human Rights in figurehead of our diplomacy and our foreign policy, promote decentralization and local solutions rather than Jacobinism ultra socialist and put in place mechanisms that promote individual rather than the administrative category. For now, there is only one candidate more liberal than the others, Herve Morin, the New Center.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Milena Velba Gallerien

Start up of the day: Wiseed!

You know Wiseed , a company was established in May 2008 by Thierry Merquiol?
Basically they want to be the financing of SMEs that My Major Company has been in the music business and Gregoire. That sounds not bad, right? This is a continuation of Wise another platform meets business - financial, but in "2.0". Good luck to Wiseed!

Los Hombres De Paco Online Gratis

Asnieres sur Seine: the challenge to the monarch Rama Yade comedy

Our iconography of the day will address the challenge public, overt, clear-launched by Rama Yade our first photo - with the help manifest the apparatus of the UMP and the Elysee, Aeschlimann for spouses who do not know what strategic decisions taken to try to save their elected seats.

Pierre Corneille, our second photo was in his plays, highlighted the immense difficulty of the situations and / or called Cornelian choice, ie choice, one like the other, are destructive to those who take them. Such is the case today, terrible, spouses Aeschlimann faced with defiance of Rama Yade they can not have doubts about the paternity various policies.

The arrival at Asnieres February 19, 2011 Rama Tade marks a major policy shift for the county, but especially for the former mayor, still a member, and his wife. They know that everyone has gotten the message: the Elysee and the leadership of the UMP chose to support Rama Yade cons destroyed the last hopes of the spouses Aeschlimann.

Trap, our photo shows a fox trap, closes in on the couple Aeschlimann, a trap that condemns them to nothing short-term policy. Manuel Aeschlimann, who believed in political cunning fox, will have to choose between accepting the ascension of Rama Yade in the UMP Asnières serving the ambitions of this elective or falling into legal trouble that some assist in his own camp, to enable the UMP Asnières to rebuild faster and better ....

The choice is agonizing, but the trap leads to the same fate by two different paths.


Rama Yade has to challenge the husband Aeschlimann Asnières

few days ago, Manuel Aeschlimann swaggering on its links, he maintained , with Nicolas Sarkozy ( without a word in passing to Jean-Francois Cope ), indicating that he wished, in case Justice of the Republic confirms its ineligibility and the loss of all civil rights (thus including the right to remain a lawyer, a profession considered auxiliary Justice), his wife succeeded him in his seat.

Observers have noted psychological drift that reflected those words rather clumsy and arrogant: the member had appeared to consider the mandate of the deputy as being transmitted in a monarchy, as a property or a title given inheritance.

Ms. Marie-Dominique Aeschlimann had further increased discomfort by attacking with a certain aggressiveness betraying a strong anxiety to Rama Yade, who openly eyeing the chair member for the second district of Hauts de Seine, Asnières including Doves and South.

In these columns, our friend Julie had developed an analysis of the situation increasingly hopeless spouses Aeschlimann, caught in the vise of court cases and that of their abandonment by the camera their party's manifesto for the benefit of Rama Yade.

We had fun at that time some of the debris Aeschlimann system that still had the mad delusion that Aeschlimann husband could have a political future in the Hauts de Seine.

The death knell for their pathetic delusions rang yesterday February 19, 2011 with a visit to Asnières and the time of election shall enter Thierry Le Gac and Rama Yade, who walked as well, WITHOUT HUSBAND AESCHLIMANN in the city, meet the locals.

course, a purely electoral voting on the township north of Asnieres, the event will not change power relations, or mobilize the public interest, and rightly so. The arrival of Rama Yade does not change the harsh daily life of citizens of our city.

What caught the attention of general interest and soon the citizens is q ue this visit and the joint between towing Thierry Le Gac and Rama Yade is a wonderful gesture of the two aforementioned PUBLIC CHALLENGE. ..... Aeschlimann for spouses!

The gauntlet thrown forcefully in the face of Aeschlimann husband is also rich in meaning clear: R ama Yade has not only taken as a activist base of the UMP, the decision to come to Asnieres in these specific conditions.

All observers of local politics will understand that this campaign together with the official UMP candidate in Asnieres, if desired, and was planned by the national leadership of the UMP and county-or higher High-yet, at least accepted with full knowledge of thundering declarations of spouses Aeschlimann .....

Suddenly, the militant presence in Asnieres Rama Yade, who wants to close the New Center, Dr. evet good character defiant front, open and publicly launched the spouses Aeschlimann.

more, this February 19, 2011, Rama Yade acted as the real future " patron" of the UMP local in complete disregard of the pathetic rantings Aeschlimann husband and without giving any importance to the contested election of Manuel Aeschlimann as secretary of the district in terms ludicrous that the media has reported.

It also appears that this initiative Aeschlimann spouses are bored to formulate a public response:

- or they welcome the arrival of Rama Yade at Asnieres in support of the official candidate of the UMP and accept this policy by their rolling programmed

- or they criticize the coming of Rama Yade and put themselves at odds with UMP, by appearing as people who put their own interests before those of their party.

The choice is obviously agonizing.

Manuel Aeschlimann, who once boasted of being a "killer policy" must appreciate the subtle skill of Rama Yade who constantly forced, without boasting and serenity to swallow his superb and having to suffer his blows more and more destructive.

The member yet who loved Machiavelli should sincerely rejoice at having found facing him a politician who, without boasting and gently applied to it without rushing its own ancient principles of action within the RPR, then the UMP since 1992.

How many times have we not predicted to Manuel Aeschlimann that constantly surround the betrayal and fall of the fact that the same practices that formerly usa to remove possible rivals?

Now he can finger this living reality that we had, quite logically, predicted!

Shut up undergoing the events that took him its loss total political or rebel against his party to become a pariah then rejected, that's boring alternatives that mark February 19, 2011 for the former mayor.

For his wife, " grand illusion" of the deputation is over: the facts will prevail against it also.

As for the last faithful, they are soon forced to leave with arms, baggage and useful information, join the camp of Rama Yade, unless .... they did not understand and remain blind the most obvious facts!

Marylise Dipusu

Chapter 417 of the Chronicles of asnièroises after March 16, 2008