Sunday, February 13, 2011

Frequency Of Indian Channels

Asnieres sur Seine: scolds the people, the "microcosm" melt!

Our iconography of day yield to opposing points of view among citizens, peoples and "political microcosms.

First, a photo of protesters in the countries of the Maghreb-name given to the northern part of Africa. Everyone knows the striking development of popular revolutions in progress while others are emerging in the news.

While these broad and popular movements have shown tremendous strength and effectiveness of collective solidarity of citizens in several countries , Asnieres, for example, we have cons-examples of such colossal given changes in shame by an author like Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt has called "the sect of selfish . and we call " tiny microcosm.

These small circles of people-centered only on their fate and the infinite love of their very small navel also generated a beautiful text of Stendhal called "egotism memories.

Clearly, even those that cause them, without and away from citizens, those trying to offer their people without interest to Applicants (es) they believe that they will give them jobs and sinecures, form a kind of small groups of selfish egocentric-that people with common sense rejects.

It was useful to note with care and strength qu'Asnières New Citizen has nothing to do with these people and we have contempt for them only polite that we try, occasionally, to distribute to interested sparingly as selfishness generates contempt for citizen applicants greedy or needy.


The people, the "authorities 'and microcosms

It is curious that at Asnieres major world events that disrupt entire countries are so little regarded by the "political " and " authorities.

Must see is the old fear of the people that the ancestors of these "political " of these "authorities " called by the contemptuous name of " mob "when citizens could no longer endure the fate that some of them did, revolted and modified alors brutalement le cours des choses, le cours des évènements qu'une minorité voulait écrire et réaliser contre les intérêts de l'immense majorité?

Un vent de révolutions et de crises souffle sur le monde. Il faut être aveugle pour ne pas constater les réalités en mouvement rapide.

Des mesures que ces «  politiques  » et «  autorités  » pensaient et disaient impossibles voici quelques semaines, mesures parfois qualifiées de façon imbécile de «  populist "by foreign interests of the privileged people are taken here and there:
  • Algeria, we re-nationalize the country's strategic enterprises ;
  • Tunisia The public demands that he return the money stolen by corrupt politicians and dishonest to provide jobs and wages to residents, which leads to freeze the bank accounts of corrupt thieves and profiteers clan, Ben microcosm Ali

  • in Egypt so-called clan-Mubarak microcosm whose private wealth, looted on the back and the sweat of the people, amounts to $ 40 billion bank saw its assets frozen by the same bankers who welcomed them with fruit unworthy of their flights while salaries are massively increased;

From Morocco to Yemen, crises, revolts, strikes and demonstrations are ongoing at the time where we write. Regimes tremble, " authorities " wobble, people grumble increasingly.

Saharan Africa, several plans are in a situation of ever " dual power " de facto. Again, the events north of the continent are encouraging people to revolt against the " authorities" who are often corrupt and servile relays of foreign interests to those populations.

In Asia, it or China, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, strikes, demonstrations, riots, multiply each day. Meanwhile, the mainland stock markets collapse and fears about Japan's debt, in particular, occur.

And to Europe, where Greek authorities, caught between a people ruined by the actions required by the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank and these organizations are beginning to denounce these last while the Greek people, piece by piece, prepares to revolt against the destiny of misery that European financial institutions and international promise him, without any hope of a prosperous future.

All this is happening right now, before our eyes, while at Asnieres, candidates and " politicians" disconnected from all these living realities discussed in isolation on minor matters, without influence on the lives of current and future citizens.

These huge upheavals that are just starting, do not seem interested in this "microcosm asnièrois "which, like its national counterpart, is lagging behind the developments, surprised and confused, bewildered and panic-stricken.

For these people agreed, who can only discuss them, as exchange in a closed environment where the noise of the living world can not be heard, nothing that their small business, their small blogs, their little gossip, their little bragging.

We see them almost to speak thus: " what, how, people do listen to us more, our colleagues in some countries flee abroad? But this is impossible! .

While the world is going through key international shocks, look at the discussions of these people are struck blind as autism and sudden:

Manuel Aeschlimann considering its strategy against his disqualification " should I try to present myself in 2012 and 2014 and for another X years, or do I accept my sentence by withdrawing my appeal to the Supreme Court delayed, knowing what happens folder triple procurement that may well send me to jail for good?
That a member who is interested in the world, equel boils down to this elected .... himself!

Francis Pourbagher himself hoarse: " the world rejects me, I'm going to make service offerings ( we have physical evidence - Ed ) all those and all those who can count tomorrow to pay me good money, nobody wants me and the blog read by more people telling the truth Asnières on my treachery in every direction and job offerings to each other. ANC fails to comply with good manners and reveals my secret turpitude, is horrible. "
's friend and loyal servant of the Iranian dictatorship us too much honor to curse us.

Most municipal care of his priorities: "What can we do to prevent residents of the stadium Magenta bore us again and ridicule our way of do not treat their problems? How can we get angry people in residential areas of the city with the extension of paid parking? How is it possible to make it even harder to circulate in the town so that everyone is upset, tired, and so pushed them to revolt?
The municipal majority lives in his world. Is that citizens and their real problems? It seems not.

Martin Lawrence St. Leo liquefies; " is the crisis for everyone else but me, I'm not like everybody, my time comes, but it is urgent to wait until the bell sounds. Moreover, evidence qu'ANC mistake on my real popularity is that Ralph, Serge, Francis and Manuel come comment on my blog. This shows that I am important and indispensable to the political scene asnièroise "
The man who confuses the past with the future is already present in a void.

Serge Danlos feel the force of revolutions through the world, but it is certain that this happens to others and that nothing like this never happen in France: " is the global crisis, banking, financial, economic, food, but this can not prevent that I carry out my project is that of Sebastian, I serve the mayor-of-operation. It really is the right time: the attention of mankind is centered on my actions and everyone is excited about my action .
An elected official, serving his thinking mayor, serves the interests of citizens and betrays the values of democracy, has no future, except in dreams imagined.

While these dialogues are designed by us, but to read and qu'écrivent ARE REALLY those named, are not that the translation of their true inner thoughts, light-years away from citizens and their aspirations?

We understand that our blog citizen for such people is the supreme abomination, the absolute horror, the common object of their vengeance.

We do not honor them with a servility of paper towels, we do not drink with delight their rhetoric, we do not sing their praises of worship everywhere, we do not announce their glory and good fortune.

All this is true.

Asnières News Citizen neither with any " authority, or subject to any (e)" policy.

We are on the side of the people, citizens, their aspirations and interests.

For this reason, the "microcosm " asnièrois attracts no interest on our part, even compassion, but rather, like the peoples of the world for their little " microcosms," a polite contempt.

Indeed, we welcome the joy and pride of our citizens of Tunisian and Egyptian peoples celebrate the victories against dictatorships and their submission policies to conflicting interests to those of residents.

Corruption and maladministration are inconsistent, in France as in any country in the world, with democracy and the principles of a free republic in which the PEOPLE IS THE ONLY SOVEREIGN.

Yes, we confess: Asnières News Citizen is with the people who scolds at Asnieres as throughout France, while " microcosms " clans power base.

Yes, we do not have the same values as people of "microcosm asnièrois " who speak ill of our blog with good reason.

insistent Their hatred for us is the tribute of vice to the virtue of selfishness to altruism, the emptiness of humanity.

Their ultimate value is admiration of themselves and sordid calculations for the future of their little beings.

Our core value is the public interest, present and future population, the independence from anything that can satisfy people's aspirations.

All is well said.

Marylise Dipusu

Chronicles Chapter 412 asnièroises after March 16, 2008


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