ü Decline of the government before the manifestations of CRS
ü Continuation of the explosion of public debt
ü Creating new taxes
ü ; Inability to remove the ISF
ü New taxes in preparation
ü Continuation of three wars front (Afghanistan, Cote d'Ivoire, Chad)
ü Promotion to Dominique Tiberi post "Economic and Financial Comptroller General" in finance ministries, despite the negative opinion of an independent Commission of appointments having considered the qualifications and skills of Dominique Tiberi insufficient
ü ; No acceleration of the transposition of European directives late
ü rescue of private enterprises with public money
ü erratic foreign policy
ü discrediting total foreign minister, embroiled in its affairs Tunisian
ü Secretary General Hadopi paid 15 000 euro monthly
Is the priority is to initiate discussion about Islam and multiculturalism, or to lower taxes, the number of officials, the tax burden many and varied, laws unenforced, the draconian provisions, the regulations counterproductive, short of moving to another France, a liberal France?
For multiculturalism, to let consumers vote with their wallets. If the French ask good wine and sausages, while Carrefour, Auchan or Leclerc sell. If they ask proudly beef halal, kosher or Martian, so they will sell too.
Mind you rather that when France spends 1 euro of public money, it borrows 50 cents. And put in position credible people to govern France!
MAM in Tunisia: why so many contradictions?
sent LePostfr . - Current time on video.
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