Sunday, February 6, 2011

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Asnieres sur Seine: in the "business »....

Our iconography of the day will be linked to visible signs of major weather events or volcanic, like other events are the precursors, for example in public life as a common Asnières sur Seine, serious crises that no one can avoid later if it does not take steps to not be hit by these disasters, however, although predictable.

First, a sky announcing a violent storm with heavy rains.

In the second picture, aerial photo of a volcano spews smoke and European Steam a important sign that can predict an approaching eruption.

At Asnieres, signs of crisis are multiplying, but it seems that those who should see and assess objectively not want to see or understand ....

And yet, records accumulate heavy and threatening to the municipality after the popular vote, 16 March 2008 that the mayor refuses to follow the commitments made to the citizens to run the city in a transparent manner pluralistic, open and truly serve the people.


File "Veritas" and questions " not trivial ": attention, danger!

In March 2008, beating Sébastien Pietrasanta municipal elections Manuel Aeschlimann, sending its system unworthy of democracy in the past to smell unappealing.

At that time, the city promised a new aedile appeasement, a municipal practice transparent reporting of truth with the inhabitants of the town of Asnieres.

We will soon reach the 3-year mandate Sébastien Pietrasanta.

This 3rd anniversary may well point out, conversely, that the commitments were not kept, that the City, as does the State Sarkozyist, withdraws more and more of its own policy tools (municipal management of public housing for example) and continues to sell public assets.

the field of transparency, the scandal of the reports of power delivered to VERITAS a mayor who has kept secret for eight months before allowing citizens to see that these reports were incomplete seriously threatens the entire municipality a devastating crisis.

On these facts and this management, the couple try Aeschlimann with the tenacity of desperation to build a fertile ground for attempts at destabilization, including through the courts-the same municipality.

The question, not at all " innocuous "Manuel Aeschlimann on the management board, neighborhood-is no doubt it is to prepare a massive campaign of suspicion of possible crimes against the mayor and elected its majority, itself strongly shaken internally, while demonstrating that the current mayor, who supported ANTICOR, fails to provide the transparency that was promised.

A key to this initiative, a potential lawsuit for the current mayor of the town for possible abuses in the management of the district board, as it is clear that Manuel Aeschlimann suspect this board neighborhood to serve partisan interests, those of plain PS ....

We have indeed at Asnieres a member who likes to shoot, spy, as he himself admits in his blog, referring militants PS pasting posters calling for the resignation of his seat Manuel Aeschlimann!

More threatening still is the explosive potential file VERITAS INCOMPLETE REPORTING.

While the group VERITAS "is at the forefront of this issue, but Sebastien Pietrasanta is just behind this row fragile and unstable.

Obviously, the mayor does not measure the severity of the situation and the consequences thereof.

Sébastien Pietrasanta once believed he could play " watch " against residents of the stadium Magenta.

This tactic anti-democratic absurd and unworthy turns against him and all his elect, including its candidate for district elections.

And now compelled to give THE VERITAS report requested by the residents, they offer REPORTS, more INCOMPLETE.

One hesitates to define the strategy of Sébastien Pietrasanta in this case, between the adjectives: " stupid", "clumsy" or "incompetent .

Mayor, we knew better inspired, seems to have lost touch with reality and be unable to achieve, so collective democratic, pluralist and open its commitments initial program, which is ominous for the town.

That's why its majority is latent in open crisis, and that, as Manuel Aeschlimann, old betrayals internally he is now returning raised against him, both within the majority in the public citizen.

It also notes that Manuel Aeschlimann now trying to use political drifts, and managers in some cases, Sébastien Pietrasanta, to shoot down politically or through the courts, it

As said a member of our editorial as a synthesis: " The" business "call" business. "

The stupidity of the day: Aeschlimann husband attack action Hortefeux, yet arrives March 10 ......

As everyone knows, the safety of citizens and property is a sovereign mission of the State.

This being said, it is interesting that the spouses do not cease to criticize Aeschlimann, locally asnièrois, balance security ...... Minister Brice Hortefeux.

It is unclear whether this is evidence of political insanity or unconsciousness characterized by the couple who rehash this topic anti-government without tiring.

For our part, we will point out that the side politically dangerous for the couple Aeschlimann: for it is their initiative Hortefeux the spouses dined with them in 2004 during a meal the addition of which was paid in contravention of the laws by the group .... FUTURE!

audiencée As this matter is March 10, 2011, the cons may seem inappropriate for the couple to throw Aeschlimann constantly opprobrium on the balance sheet Brice Hortefeux.

The minister could end up not enjoying after dinner that combines a scabrous involuntarily court case of procurement, after the 10,000 copies of the book "In the shadow of Koran found at Asnieres, both spouses Aeschlimann care of all the ills of safety at Asnieres by marking each unlawful act such as proof of its failure or incompetence.

The serious mistakes of the past couple Aeschlimann, who believe that a mayor and a parliamentary seat is privately owned torque, turn against them on all sides.

Not Rama Yade will complain that it takes its bearings in the direction of the UMP to remove from political life the couple asnièroise Aeschlimann will fail in disaster for some March 16, 2008.

As a former elected said Manuel Aeschlimann:

" Spouses Aeschlimann make me think more and more in their public behavior for spouses Ceausescu, driven from their palace by a people angry still clinging to the cameras of their judges lost their power in the face and screamed that they alone were the future of the Romanian people. Manuel Aeschlimann hear talk about " my parliamentary seat " as an absolute monarch who believes the seat in question is private property or indicate that only his wife he can "succeed-sic! ) " betrays a small mind, petty, anti-republican, if not downright incapable of recognizing the political reality of his situation desperate and pathetic".

A comment reflecting a widespread opinion that the husband Aeschlimann outputs against the claims of Rama Yade make increasingly unpopular as their scornful words combine to reject them all over the world, population and other policies ... .

Parking Asnières: anger rises, rises ......

The PS candidate ballot District talks about many things in his writings, but he is silent on a sensitive, very sensitive: the parking at Asnieres.

Admittedly, this is not the responsibility of the General Council of Hauts de Seine. But ........

How to convince voters of the township north that may be an elected official responsive to their needs and problems when also mishandled two local folders that noise generated by the stadium and Magenta parking in the town.

On the second issue, what would be the reaction of voters against the candidate of the PS asnièrois if everywhere is revealed that, not content to do nothing at the town hall against the growing shortage of available places, the elected candidate and supports SOLUTION CAN as aggravating the whole situation EXTENSION OF PARKING FEE?

Luc Bérard Malava knows what his friend calls the mayor for neighborhoods experiencing a surge of anger against LACK OF TICKETS AVAILABLE.: a new burden on the backs of people the benefit of the VINCI group!

To light the fire of a fire lawful citizen, this idea is like a match cracked lake filled with flammable gas.

With this and the scandal reports VERITAS, the candidate Luc Berard Malavi is really not helped by his friend the mayor to get sympathy from voters, quite the contrary ....

Let asnièrois elected for this (and friends) the following theorem:

" local issues unresolved and / or non-treated background = guaranteed failure in the elections "

Marylise Dipusu

Chapter 409 Chronicles asnièroises after March 16, 2008


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