Our iconography of the day is about our documentary discoveries made on the official website of the National Assembly where we have been seeking parliamentary friendship associations carefully selected by the member suri ineligibility, Manuel Aeschlimann.
What we discovered is instructive for all citizens and elected officials of the town, and across the country.
We have laid bare a troubling fact: Manuel Aeschlimann MP is a member of several parliamentary associations of friendship with foreign countries, one is curious that of France-led-by-Kuwait a PS member, Julien Dray, with whom, according to people associated with this association, Manuel Aeschlimann along very well in this specific context ......
So we 've posted first: a map of Françafrique (n o observe carefully as Manuel Aeschlimann member associations of friendship with all these countries). Then we show a movie poster on the famous Françafrique exciting and coverage of well-researched book on this subject.
We conclude our iconography of the day with an aerial photograph of crowds of protesters in Bahrain who want to hunt up theocratic monarchy, feudalism, including members of the ruling family who has been shot on crowd of guests were in 2003 and 2004 Manuel Aeschlimann town hall of Asnières. As the Iranian regime's ambassador in January 2005!
His past deeds catch up again Manuel Aeschlimann. His former guests of honor will cover a lot of blood since qelques time ....
Manuel Aeschlimann, deputy counsel, "Parliamentary friend" of countries affected by dictatorships, theocracies, but also " friend" of African mineral-rich precious!
Every citizen a little aware of the realities of our country knows that the parliamentary friendship associations with foreign countries are first and foremost arms real public official " lobbies "in charge of promoting the interests in these states major French companies, all covered hypocritical mantle called national interests. "
citizens and voters of Asnieres, including for example, supporters of Jean-Pierre Bemba, voters sometimes-member of the UMP asnièroise although not living in France and even less at Asnieres , and learn Manuel Aeschlimann, lawyer and MP, is a member of numerous parliamentary friendship associations, some of which may surprise them .....
be better understood and therefore a disqualification would be very detrimental to its African operations, particularly since the loss of civil rights implies that Manuel Aeschlimann would no longer entitled to remain legal.
be observed that Manuel Aeschlimann is a "friend Parliamentary " especially in countries affected by bloody dictatorships, repressive theocracies and curiously, it is also the friend countries Africa's most mineral-rich precious .
Presumably these multiple memberships have a common goal essential to integrate into networks of famous and renowned Françafrique opaque, but also the networks involved in the oil rich Arab countries in black gold so expensive nowadays.
Residents who have a good memory will recall that in 2003-2004 Manuel Aeschlimann received at Asnieres members of the royal family of Bahrain, the very same who fired on its people before starting to consider real reforms, those required by the population for its own interests, not those intended by the tyrannical monarchs in place.
It is thus " parliamentary friend," among other states not always advisable, the Saudi Arabian monarchy, the Kingdom of Bahrain, Angola dictatorial Stalinist autocratic regime, the authoritarian Benin, Botswana, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, (all states rich in minerals), Côte d'Ivoire (on the brink of civil war between two clans serving foreign interests opposed) TWO of the Congo, United Arab Emirates (a sultanate theocratic), Gabon (loss of memory), Gambia, Georgia, for two guineas, Kuwait (including the President of the association is ... Julien DRAY .... !!!),
link here for unbelievers who doubt our word citizen:
Mali, the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Uganda, the kingdom of Qatar, Rwanda, Senegal (where is born Ms. RamaYade), and Zambia.
Here are some links that prove very official facts:
http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/qui/xml/organe.asp? id_organe = / 13/tribun/xml/xml/organes/392684.xml
We stop here the list because almost all the governments of African countries, with few exceptions for more poor, see Manuel Aeschlimann be a deputy attorney friend.
Informative, no?
A question remains: who heard one day defend Manuel Aeschlimann rights and civic spirit in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Gabon, Côte d'Ivoire, Mauritania, Kuwait, Qatar and Angola, all countries ruled in favor of large enterprises by foreign dictatorships or authoritarian regimes ?
Yes, when that member turned up at the podium of the National Assembly to defend human rights, the rights of peoples to be their only sovereign, their right to freedom, to equality, social justice and democracy?
Not so far (to our knowledge).
Manuel Aeschlimann Everything is here!
With this member in danger of losing his seat and his job as a trainee lawyer at the firm Olivier Schnerb, what appears to be an elected official who tries with the energy of despair d integrate networks opaque Françafrique agonizing under the combined blows, but no concerted American and Chinese companies.
Furthermore, the member at the end of term is also trying to rally the Franco-Arab networks at a time when the Arab policy of France is a succession of disasters, failures, failures, provocations breathtaking, delays on events and sometimes even going against the facts.
Manuel Aeschlimann and going from failure to failure, but his policies Parliamentary Friendship speak volumes about his true outmoded concepts of social life in the XXI century, since the elected appreciates especially medieval theocracies (Recall that before 2005 was a member of the Parliamentary Association of Friendship with Iran !!!), dictatorships, monarchies, sultanates and caliphates and other archaic, authoritarian regimes in Africa.
This little UMP isolated synthesizes a neo-colonial and paternalistic patronage happens in the middle of Arab and African revolutions, so at the precise moment when the colonial past of France is called to die ...
Let us add to illuminate the subject that many African autocrats are or were part of the GLNF (Grande Loge Nationale de France), a Masonic lodge in FRENCH serious crisis, but housing including Manuel Aeschlimann has proclaimed often and long a prominent member.
Thus die Françafrique and Arab networks of major French companies, including mining, such as AREVA was a shift and Manuel Aeschlimann is reduced to watching the programmed death of these networks.
But Rama Yade bet that will be happy to learn that Manuel Aeschlimann, with its court cases, still has time support the power in Senegal, his native country ....
Marylise Dipusu
Chapter 418 of the Chronicles of asnièroises after March 16, 2008
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