Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Images Of Constructing A Full Head Weave

A new toy for train

In virtual world, many things are possible, and until evidence to the contrary, nobody has found the perfect simulation (except perhaps for the pros but that's another dimension here ;-)). I recently discovered on this blog article Vincent B. this little simulator Google Earth still nascent (the latest version being 0.4).

4 devices to enjoy the flight.
FS2004 Even though my favorite is the super for my virtual trainings, preparation required pre-flight size, if I can not help you about is that this little calculator has some advantages:
- The most important of all is probably that its decor consists of 100% satellite photos (of Google Earth, actually), allowing the true VFR but in return, the simulator lacks any means of radio-navigation , which is inconclusive because the ground allows the path with reference to the ground (look out, as my FI = P).
- The land itself is raised above the hills and valleys are represented visible below the texture image. However, the decor lacks a bit of 3D ... Indeed, little or no buildings is like putting the autogen FS 0. This also causes the absence of barriers (eg, a field of wind, or a "forest antenna) that could have been used to navigate ... Again, it's not very serious, but it is a little less realistic.
- One aspect MMORPG "All the players are all connected as soon as the simulation is loaded. Still, there's no cat to interact with other players, or to coordinate.
- Finally, we just say it is 100% free and he plays through his browser (only tested on Firefox, but I suppose also needs a minimum market with Google Chrome).

few disadvantages too, some very punitive:
- Keeping the machine extravagant: the planes are all more or less identical and whatever parameters (eg engine), since they are not modeled or taken into account. In addition, the severe lack of instrumentation makes piloting himself a little " at haphazard " with the mouse or keyboard
- Even if it is related to his youth, there is still the very small number of devices available : no Robin or Cessna, but just as an old style Evektor, a J-3, a DC-3 or a "super-plane" for the "super pilot" flying "super-speed" with Alphajet ... Too bad!
- No weather actually generated (from 2 or 3 clouds), even if it's true, FS2004 is much more successful and far more experience in this field.

Just click on "Fly!" the homepage of the site to launch the calculator

To summarize, this little calculator, for the moment with lots of small "oversights," looks very promising, even if the flight size remains the best training, I think the virtual (And following what is going to want to work, FS2004, or GE Sim, or maybe why not X-Plane 9 looming ...) retain an important place in my flight preparations. On the map, the nav for Dreux seems childishly simple, yet already FS2004 Sim or GE, there is little stress of getting lost, but also, in truth, in its small cockpit Robin ago much more manageable. This small calculator with brillo nevertheless falls into the category of "essential", but only for pure VFR V accounting for Visual ... I actually managed to rally Saint-Cyr in Dreux, Chartres and without GPS or Radionav nor any autre aide.

Si on a commencé sur les chapeaux de roues, reste plus qu'à finir en beauté, dans tous les sens du terme.


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