Sunday, February 20, 2011

Los Hombres De Paco Online Gratis

Asnieres sur Seine: the challenge to the monarch Rama Yade comedy

Our iconography of the day will address the challenge public, overt, clear-launched by Rama Yade our first photo - with the help manifest the apparatus of the UMP and the Elysee, Aeschlimann for spouses who do not know what strategic decisions taken to try to save their elected seats.

Pierre Corneille, our second photo was in his plays, highlighted the immense difficulty of the situations and / or called Cornelian choice, ie choice, one like the other, are destructive to those who take them. Such is the case today, terrible, spouses Aeschlimann faced with defiance of Rama Yade they can not have doubts about the paternity various policies.

The arrival at Asnieres February 19, 2011 Rama Tade marks a major policy shift for the county, but especially for the former mayor, still a member, and his wife. They know that everyone has gotten the message: the Elysee and the leadership of the UMP chose to support Rama Yade cons destroyed the last hopes of the spouses Aeschlimann.

Trap, our photo shows a fox trap, closes in on the couple Aeschlimann, a trap that condemns them to nothing short-term policy. Manuel Aeschlimann, who believed in political cunning fox, will have to choose between accepting the ascension of Rama Yade in the UMP Asnières serving the ambitions of this elective or falling into legal trouble that some assist in his own camp, to enable the UMP Asnières to rebuild faster and better ....

The choice is agonizing, but the trap leads to the same fate by two different paths.


Rama Yade has to challenge the husband Aeschlimann Asnières

few days ago, Manuel Aeschlimann swaggering on its links, he maintained , with Nicolas Sarkozy ( without a word in passing to Jean-Francois Cope ), indicating that he wished, in case Justice of the Republic confirms its ineligibility and the loss of all civil rights (thus including the right to remain a lawyer, a profession considered auxiliary Justice), his wife succeeded him in his seat.

Observers have noted psychological drift that reflected those words rather clumsy and arrogant: the member had appeared to consider the mandate of the deputy as being transmitted in a monarchy, as a property or a title given inheritance.

Ms. Marie-Dominique Aeschlimann had further increased discomfort by attacking with a certain aggressiveness betraying a strong anxiety to Rama Yade, who openly eyeing the chair member for the second district of Hauts de Seine, Asnières including Doves and South.

In these columns, our friend Julie had developed an analysis of the situation increasingly hopeless spouses Aeschlimann, caught in the vise of court cases and that of their abandonment by the camera their party's manifesto for the benefit of Rama Yade.

We had fun at that time some of the debris Aeschlimann system that still had the mad delusion that Aeschlimann husband could have a political future in the Hauts de Seine.

The death knell for their pathetic delusions rang yesterday February 19, 2011 with a visit to Asnières and the time of election shall enter Thierry Le Gac and Rama Yade, who walked as well, WITHOUT HUSBAND AESCHLIMANN in the city, meet the locals.

course, a purely electoral voting on the township north of Asnieres, the event will not change power relations, or mobilize the public interest, and rightly so. The arrival of Rama Yade does not change the harsh daily life of citizens of our city.

What caught the attention of general interest and soon the citizens is q ue this visit and the joint between towing Thierry Le Gac and Rama Yade is a wonderful gesture of the two aforementioned PUBLIC CHALLENGE. ..... Aeschlimann for spouses!

The gauntlet thrown forcefully in the face of Aeschlimann husband is also rich in meaning clear: R ama Yade has not only taken as a activist base of the UMP, the decision to come to Asnieres in these specific conditions.

All observers of local politics will understand that this campaign together with the official UMP candidate in Asnieres, if desired, and was planned by the national leadership of the UMP and county-or higher High-yet, at least accepted with full knowledge of thundering declarations of spouses Aeschlimann .....

Suddenly, the militant presence in Asnieres Rama Yade, who wants to close the New Center, Dr. evet good character defiant front, open and publicly launched the spouses Aeschlimann.

more, this February 19, 2011, Rama Yade acted as the real future " patron" of the UMP local in complete disregard of the pathetic rantings Aeschlimann husband and without giving any importance to the contested election of Manuel Aeschlimann as secretary of the district in terms ludicrous that the media has reported.

It also appears that this initiative Aeschlimann spouses are bored to formulate a public response:

- or they welcome the arrival of Rama Yade at Asnieres in support of the official candidate of the UMP and accept this policy by their rolling programmed

- or they criticize the coming of Rama Yade and put themselves at odds with UMP, by appearing as people who put their own interests before those of their party.

The choice is obviously agonizing.

Manuel Aeschlimann, who once boasted of being a "killer policy" must appreciate the subtle skill of Rama Yade who constantly forced, without boasting and serenity to swallow his superb and having to suffer his blows more and more destructive.

The member yet who loved Machiavelli should sincerely rejoice at having found facing him a politician who, without boasting and gently applied to it without rushing its own ancient principles of action within the RPR, then the UMP since 1992.

How many times have we not predicted to Manuel Aeschlimann that constantly surround the betrayal and fall of the fact that the same practices that formerly usa to remove possible rivals?

Now he can finger this living reality that we had, quite logically, predicted!

Shut up undergoing the events that took him its loss total political or rebel against his party to become a pariah then rejected, that's boring alternatives that mark February 19, 2011 for the former mayor.

For his wife, " grand illusion" of the deputation is over: the facts will prevail against it also.

As for the last faithful, they are soon forced to leave with arms, baggage and useful information, join the camp of Rama Yade, unless .... they did not understand and remain blind the most obvious facts!

Marylise Dipusu

Chapter 417 of the Chronicles of asnièroises after March 16, 2008


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