Friday, February 4, 2011

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Asnieres sur Seine: the strange group report and other developments VERITAS

Our iconography of the day will feature a side to STRANGE REPORT No. 2140518 VERITAS CERTIFIED that says its work. Certify an incomplete report, explaining further that the gaps are due to faulty materials that are approved and certified by the state for the expertise of Justice, here's an explanation that does not convince ....

should not be that we display the banner above to become a stooge without value, false, and therefore offer no guarantee of scientific seriousness to requesting clients.

Our second image is to be interpreted freely, because it can be read as relevant to the incomplete report cited that invents absurd reasons to justify the unjustifiable or for spouses who say fight Aeschlimann against crime by binding to the defense of war criminals at the hands covered with blood and the alleged rapists who have completed their packages .... ON ASNIERES.


VERITAS GROUP: Report a curious, though incomplete more!

The VERITAS Group is an organization certified by the Justice of the Republic and whose scientific reliability should be indisputable. If this can be seriously challenged on the basis of material facts proved, the VERITAS Group is in danger of losing its certification and accreditation official.

Now he must face the facts: the report on the noise generated Magenta by the stage, a report by the group on VERITAS specific written authorization of the Town Hall of Asnières t e given to residents January 31, 2011, presents no serious and unquestionable.

Far from it, after he was detained for 8 months in city hall, residents discovered, shocked and outraged, there were actually three successive reports, the report 0, Report No. 1 and No. 2 to the report!

Reportedly taken the best sources and attested by written these 3 ratios ranged between VERITAS ....... 10 and 23 June 2010.

Invasion the public credibility of the VERITAS Group do not stop there: Report delivered to residents is January 31, 2011 INCOMPLETE! !

Worse yet, it does not meet specific requirements issued by the city!

Obviously, the relevant technical services have not read carefully the report submitted to the people and did not notice the REAL AND SERIOUS DEFECTS that local residents have reported a careful study of the text.

Unless ...... Unless that versions of the report do not match and that people have mistakenly received an incomplete report that the mayor had asked to redo IN ITS ENTIRETY in June 2010

Be specific and factual so all, elected officials, citizens, people VERITAS, Ministry of Justice and potential competitors in the group VERITAS know the facts proven by the report written in possession of the inhabitants ( VERITAS Report No. 2140518)

VERITAS should make accurate measurements, scientists, noise in 3 clearly defined points around the stadium Magenta.

On the first point, the measurements made, lowest recorded , already exceed the standards prescribed by the Ministry of Environment. Apparently, these steps are complete.

On the second point, with a noise as indicated even stronger measures are incomplete (they do not record the sounds at various times requested by the mayor ). The explanation given so far by VERITAS is that the meter has been running all the time allotted !!!.......

For the third point, there is the silence: we know that steps have been completed and showed that this 3 was the noisiest (between 3 and 3.5 times the acceptable standard).

However, accurate records are not indicated in the report submitted to the people , therefore scientific data are not reported for this item 3

Reason given by VERITAS : the meter would have fallen down !!!.....

It should say frankly and in all Clarity:

This report, as people have read it is a scandal for the group VERITAS who laughs really CITIZENS AND ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE JOINT!

conclude for the moment on two necessities essential in this context:

1 - It is important to clarify that the City Council on the number of reports submitted VERITAS and therefore q u'elle determines which correspond exactly to the technical requirements of the City firm.

Clearly, this report No. 2140518 is a clear act of defiance of the mayor and its elected representatives.
VERITAS requested a sum of public money in exchange for providing certified: it must be UNIQUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE.

2 - If no report is complete, which could then allow the mayor to take the necessary decisions based on hard data, VERITAS must redo ALL MEASURES according to technical requirements of the City AT THE REQUEST OF MAYOR.

ps If this were the case, VERITAS is put in a situation of losing its certification PUBLIC.

As with our fellow Magenta district, we require all elected and VERITAS Group, seized of this matter and that full light be shed on the facts described here, based on the report quoted No. 2140518.

The council also plays here his credibility because it can not accept this report as is, that the powerless in its task of solving problems. To act effectively for the public interest and health of the inhabitants, should the mayor and elected a diagnosis clear, precise and compelling.

For now, this is not the case then it is urgent for politicians to react promptly against VERITAS.

To be continued .....

When Manuel Aeschlimann use its parliamentary envelope Rama Yade and that its place is a member

Manuel Aeschlimann unlucky: while Point of February 3, 2011 on page 10, discusses the campaign Rama Yade to take the seat of the member sentenced in Call for the crime of favoritism (but going in the Court of Cassation), the failure of the slab UMP Asnières rebounds.

So that associative sources informed us very clearly indicated that MP had demanded the presence in the wafer political party UMP members of associations that are funded with its envelope personal parliamentary .....

Forcing by the pressure of people coming to pretend to support him, well that's what Manuel Aeschlimann imagine in his dreams, as people who support Asnières flawless! !

Pathetic and grotesque.

Meanwhile, the agony of judicial Manuel Aeschlimann, which is closer to the Elysee Palace in no-are distributed throughout Africa:

For those who also want to know more about the thousands of rapes of women allocated to the militia of Jean-Pierre Bemba, a customer of the lawyer-member Manuel Aeschlimann, which boasts of its proximity to a man prosecuted for crimes against humanity, a link on the word that is released in Central African Republic because of this trial:

As for his other client, accused of rape with violence and kidnappings in Asnieres sur Seine, we found this link which will show that spouses choose Aeschlimann as customers know the true enemies of CRIME IN OUR CITY-down the page to the article on the atrocities attributed to Koffi Olomide with a solid case, which is a client of the lawyer-member Manuel Aeschlimann:

It is not clear that the entourage of Rama Yade and the Elysee greatly appreciate those links posted and career choices of a member who accumulates as the legal troubles ....

But that is another story.

Marylise Dipusu

Chapter 408 of the Chronicles of asnièroises after March 16, 2008


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